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Bellwork Please get out your spiral notebook. Skip the first page and number a sheet of paper 1-10.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork Please get out your spiral notebook. Skip the first page and number a sheet of paper 1-10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork Please get out your spiral notebook. Skip the first page and number a sheet of paper 1-10.

2 How Many of these countries can you name?? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

3 Agenda Bellwork: Meaning of Geography Interactive Notebooks (Standard) What is Geography? 5 Themes of Geography HW: Graphic Organizer (copy at end of class)

4 Bellwork What do you think Geography is all about? Brainstorm your ideas in your notebook Title: Bellwork 8/12

5 Interactive Notebooks Left Side: Homework Bellwork Classwork Title Pages* Right Side: Class Notes Maps Guided Reading Questions

6 What is Geography? Why do we study Geography? Know where places are – Know who lives there – Know what they are like, what they are interested in. – Know about those places, the land and climate. – Know how we interact with the land, what we do to it – How people interact with each other.

7 5 Themes of Geography Location: o Relative Location: where is it in reference to other things o Absolute Location: the longitude/latitude Place: o Human Place: the population, their culture o Physical Place: the landforms, bodies of water, climate, weather

8 5 Themes of Geography Human Environment Interaction - how people relate to their environment and are affected by it Movement - trade of goods, ideas, exports, imports, human migration Regions - the grouping of similar places either geographically or due to like attributes

9 Why Study Geography? 05/02/geog.test/ 05/02/geog.test/

10 World Map Video 7-animaniacs-nations-of-the-world-song

11 Graphic Organizer Theme NameDefinition in my words Example from my life 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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