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. Si upgrade workshop, 9 June 2003 - Hubert van Hecke Si Upgrade - Mechanics Review of Hytec study Mounting scheme Services.

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Presentation on theme: ". Si upgrade workshop, 9 June 2003 - Hubert van Hecke Si Upgrade - Mechanics Review of Hytec study Mounting scheme Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 . Si upgrade workshop, 9 June 2003 - Hubert van Hecke Si Upgrade - Mechanics Review of Hytec study Mounting scheme Services

2 . Si upgrade workshop, 9 June 2003 - Hubert van Hecke Hytec - material selection Material for the support structure was selected on the basis of: High radiation length Low density High stiffness Availability Materials considered: Cons: Availability, thermal expansion Strength, thermal expansion, density, RL GFRP Beryllium Carbon-Carbon Aluminum Usually used for thermal apps.

3 . Si upgrade workshop, 9 June 2003 - Hubert van Hecke material - cont’d GFRP - graphite fiber - epoxy composite: which fiber? Choose one based on cost, availability. M55J

4 . Si upgrade workshop, 9 June 2003 - Hubert van Hecke strength analysis Different structures were tried…. … and analyzed for strength. Dumbbell shapes have low bending strength. Choose single-barrel shape.

5 . Si upgrade workshop, 9 June 2003 - Hubert van Hecke build in sections Atlas Si detector 3 sections, bolted together Endcap frame

6 . Si upgrade workshop, 9 June 2003 - Hubert van Hecke cooling Based on the experiences with the Alice and Atlas cooling designs Negative pressure system Water-methanol CFC evaporative CFC single-phase And the lower total load (~2.2kW), and the lower power density (0.1-0.7 W/cm ) choose single-phase CFC Run C6F14 or C5F12 at modest overpressure 2

7 . Si upgrade workshop, 9 June 2003 - Hubert van Hecke cooling - cont’d Endcaps are cooled by tubes embedded in the support sandwich. Barrels are cooled with carbon-Carbon thermal plane with ‘Omega’ structure.

8 . Si upgrade workshop, 9 June 2003 - Hubert van Hecke mounting scheme TPC/HBD mounts from the top CM yoke. The Silicon detector comes in from the bottom, much like the MVD does now. Translate or clamshell?

9 . Si upgrade workshop, 9 June 2003 - Hubert van Hecke side view - services Power, cooling and signal services are brought in at both ends, using the entire perimeter.

10 . Si upgrade workshop, 9 June 2003 - Hubert van Hecke services - power Power: at 0.1W/cm for 1.8V technology 1 10.5 32 18 2 14.1 60 33 3 18.0 100 56 4 18.0 100 56 Total: 163A If the voltage drop over 100’ is 1%, then this can be delivered via copper cable if the area is 28cm. Total for barrel + 2 endcaps: 190 cm of copper. Disk r power(W) Current(A) 2 2 2

11 . Si upgrade workshop, 9 June 2003 - Hubert van Hecke services - cooling Count tubes on various drawings. 1/2 of one endcap 128 tubes for 2 endcaps, bundle 9/cm 14 cm total Assume a similar area for the barrel [ air cooling -> more area ] 2 2

12 . Si upgrade workshop, 9 June 2003 - Hubert van Hecke services - fibers Assume 1 fiber per ladder for the barrel, 2 per ladder for the endcaps: Barrel 86 cables = 16.9 cm Endcaps 64/end = 12.5 cm Total for fibers: 42 cm 2 2 2

13 . Si upgrade workshop, 9 June 2003 - Hubert van Hecke services - how much space total area dz per end From ‘first principles’ 352 cm 1.4cm Current MVD: ~50% of perimeter 940 cm 2.5cm Rule-of-thumb from Veljko Radeka: 12% of Silicon area (Atlas) 1444 cm 5.7cm Assume that services (power, air, liquid coolant, copper and fiber are brought in on both ends, using the entire perimeter at r=20cm. 2 2 2

14 . Si upgrade workshop, 9 June 2003 - Hubert van Hecke to be studied Power distribution - local voltage conversion,mass issues Cooling - can some be done with air? Keep an eye on integration For the next round, technology choices need to be pinned down

15 . Si upgrade workshop, 9 June 2003 - Hubert van Hecke future Our progress-to-manpower ratio compares favorably with industry standard. Our progress-to-funding ratio compares favorably with industry standards

16 . Si upgrade workshop, 9 June 2003 - Hubert van Hecke services

17 . Si upgrade workshop, 9 June 2003 - Hubert van Hecke -

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