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© Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2002 - 1 Coaching These slides provide the basis for developing a systematic approach to coaching.

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Presentation on theme: "© Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2002 - 1 Coaching These slides provide the basis for developing a systematic approach to coaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2002 - 1 Coaching These slides provide the basis for developing a systematic approach to coaching. They are built around an excellent coaching DVD (available from Video Arts called ‘The Helping Hand’, and use the model proposed in the DVD to form the basis of an approach which links to the Please do not attempt to use these slides as part of a presentation until you have read and fully understood the relevant sections of the website, you have watched and fully understand the DVD, you know how each slide builds, and you are clear on the points you wish to make with them

2 © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2002 - 2 THE HELPING HAND - Pt 1 What were the key points for you out of the video so far? How do you now feel about the barriers to coaching?

3 © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2002 - 3 THE HELPING HAND - Pt 2 What were the key points for you out of the second part of the video? How practical is the process that was proposed? How does it relate to what happens currently?

4 © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2002 - 4 COACHING AGENDA (Can you remember the steps?) Recap (& review) Agree the topic Set the parameters Identify the goals Promote discovery Authorise & empower What exactly is the role you want them to fulfill? Are they committed to undertaking that role in the longer term? What are the standards of performance required of that role ? Have you defined them in a SMART manner and are they agreed? What are their current ideas/thoughts on how they will undertake the role? What do they think will result, and why? Is there anything you can add? What processes & procedures will they need to follow to fulfill their role? What needs to be done & by when, & what are the limits of their authority? To what information and resources do you need to authorise them access? How will you monitor and review their progress/performance, and when? Are all the action points clearly defined & is the next session planned? How could you learn from this session to improve the quality of the next? A Systematic Approach to Individual Development

5 © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2002 - 5 2 2 EMPOWERMENT PROCESS DELEGATION DEVELOPMENT Concern for Task HiLo Concern for Individual Hi Lo DELEGATION DEVELOPMENT 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5

6 © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2002 - 6 THE PROCESS OF PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT Discussion: Is our approach to the various parts of the development process constant, or does it depend on the stage the trainee is at? What sorts of things/examples might occur if we misunderstand where someone is on the model, or get our approach wrong? Does this happen in practice? What are the long term organisational implications of this?

7 © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2002 - 7 1234 Specific Approaches for Developing to Stage…. Process Step Identify the Goals Set the Parameters Authorise & Empower Recap and Review Promote Discovery Agree the Topic Generally Applicable Tools and Approach New Area - development need is obvious. Identify low risk role. Establish that there is a basic familiarity with the task. Identify suitable growth role. Discuss current competence with the trainee, and agree areas of process and their development. Ensure intention to fully delegate responsibility for this task. Link to clear improvement targets ‘Future’ Section from Dialogue Form. Development Planning Sht. Process QFD & Q4 Charts Succession Plan, Skills Matrix Clearly define role and responsibility. Define boundaries. Provide obvious escalation route. Set Review Period Agree benefits and expectations of further develop’t Agree clear objectives and limits of authority Work together in developing the development contract. Work through all aspects completely. Encourage trainee to propose the development contract. Ensure full understanding. Terms of Reference Contract Setting Meeting S.M.A.R.T. Objectives Agreeing Leadership Style Refining Job Descriptions Review Period Provide clear plans and procedures to ensure role is clearly understood. Develop plan and agree options. Establish regular review points. Provide for flexib’y & discretion. Request trainee to provide plan of approach for you both to review & challenge before implementation. Ensure correct tools have been used in developing plan and approach. Explore trainees managemt. of risk. Project Plan (PERT, Gantt) Procedures, Process Map Review Points, Milestones Risk Analysis, Potential Problem Review, 4 Step Process (PSD) Provide clearly laid out instructions to follow. Ensure close supervision and point of reference. Ensure opportunity for Customer contact/underst’g Provide training in background etc. & some supervision. Formalise role. Ensure access to mentoring and regular opportunities to discuss progress. Provide for infrequent review. Ensure open-door. Begin to consider trainees role in mentoring others. Resources & Facilities Information & Guidance Formal Training Courses Mentoring, Coaching Contingencies/ Risk Prev’n, Supervision, Points of Ref. Ensure quality is monitored and performance measured. Provide feedback. Provide for meas of customer satisfaction and some self analysis. Ensure frequent & regular reviews. Focus on self measurement & analysis. Ensure regular review of approach and reasoning. Use quadrant charts or flag plans to ensure trainee is in control. Review infrequently. Planned Review Meetings Supervisors Report Measurement, Flag Plans Quadrant Charts Coaching Records Milestone Reports Explore understanding of their role and the limits of their terms of reference Take every opportunity to explore & stimulate reasoning. Always explain backgr’d to decisions Agree coaching targets. Encourage creativity in trainees approach and even redesign of the process. Encourage ownership of task in all respects. Be there. Planned Coach’g Sessions Self Appraisal & Counselling, Listening Drawing out the consequences Sharing experience © Tesseract Management Systems

8 © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2002 - 8 DEV’T PROCESS WORKSHEET For exactly what role is the person being coached? What is their current stage of development in this role? What standard of competence do you want them to achieve as a result of your coaching intervention? What points can you draw from the ‘development approach’ as to how you might approach things? How will you structure this coaching session? Coach Coaching Topic

9 © Tesseract Management Systems / Managing by Design / 2002 - 9 IDENTIFYING COACHING NEEDS In your syndicate groups: Think through the various means that a facilitator can use to identify coaching opportunities within his/her team List the various ideas on a flipchart, and prioritise one or two that should be used routinely by the facilitator to identify opportunities to develop the competence and abilities of team members Think through some practical steps you could take to establish these as routine activities in your facilitation approach Be prepared to present your conclusions to the rest of the group You have 40 minutes for this exercise.

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