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Grace Fellowship Church November 25, 2009 Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard.

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Presentation on theme: "Grace Fellowship Church November 25, 2009 Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grace Fellowship Church November 25, 2009 Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard

2 Foundations of Thanksgiving

3 Rom 1:21, “For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened.”

4 Thanksgiving Proclamations

5 Thanksgiving Proclamations Virginia Settlers, 1619

6 Thanksgiving Proclamations Virginia Settlers, 1619 Continental Congress, 1782

7 Thanksgiving Proclamations Virginia Settlers, 1619 Continental Congress, 1782 President John Adams, 1798

8 Heb 13:15, “By Him (Jesus Christ) therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name.”

9 Everything you have has come from God, and that is the reason why your heart can be so grateful.

10 Thank Him today because:

11 Thank Him today because: He formed you and made you.

12 Thank Him today because: He formed you and made you. He has given you the breath of life.

13 Thank Him today because: He formed you and made you. He has given you the breath of life. He has given you this day.

14 Thank Him today because: He formed you and made you. He has given you the breath of life. He has given you this day. He is working in you to become all that He has intended you to be.

15 Thank Him today because:

16 Thank Him today because: He is working everything in your life together for the good.

17 Thank Him today because: He is working everything in your life together for the good. He is using your difficulties and trials to conform you to His image.

18 Thank Him today for:

19 Thank Him today for: The forgiveness of your sins.

20 Thank Him today for: The forgiveness of your sins. The peace that surpasses all understanding.

21 Thank Him today for: The forgiveness of your sins. The peace that surpasses all understanding. His joy that is in your heart.

22 Thank Him today for: The forgiveness of your sins. The peace that surpasses all understanding. His joy that is in your heart. The comfort of His presence that has quieted your heart and calmed your fears.

23 Thank Him today for:

24 Thank Him today for: The hope that is in you because He has promised to always be with you.

25 Thank Him today for: The hope that is in you because He has promised to always be with you. The place in heaven that He has reserved and has prepared for you.

26 Thank Him today with:

27 Thank Him today with: Words of exaltation.

28 Thank Him today with: Words of exaltation. Songs of celebration.

29 Thank Him today with: Words of exaltation. Songs of celebration. A heart of strong devotion.

30 Thank Him today with: Words of exaltation. Songs of celebration. A heart of strong devotion. Thoughts of deep reflection.

31 Thank Him today with: Words of exaltation. Songs of celebration. A heart of strong devotion. Thoughts of deep reflection. Acts of admiration.

32 Thank Him today with: Words of exaltation. Songs of celebration. A heart of strong devotion. Thoughts of deep reflection. Acts of admiration. Claps of loud ovation.

33 Communion

34 Grace Offering

35 Grace Fellowship Church Thanksgiving Foundations Thanksgiving Special, Part 2 Grace Fellowship Church Thursday, November 25, 2009 Tape # 09-084 Thanksgiving Foundations Thanksgiving Special, Part 2 Heb 13:15 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2009

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