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2004 Highlights Environmental Analysis & Research Team (EAR) 2005 PNW-FIA Client Meeting 15 March 2005 Troutdale, OR.

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Presentation on theme: "2004 Highlights Environmental Analysis & Research Team (EAR) 2005 PNW-FIA Client Meeting 15 March 2005 Troutdale, OR."— Presentation transcript:

1 2004 Highlights Environmental Analysis & Research Team (EAR) 2005 PNW-FIA Client Meeting 15 March 2005 Troutdale, OR

2 Who we are Full-time scientists –Dave Azuma –Tara Barrett –Jeremy Fried –Demetrios Gatziolis –Andy Gray Part-time scientists –Vicente Monleon (SCEP) –Todd Schroeder (Ph.D. candidate)

3 Our Mission Policy relevant, hypothesis based, research and development Inventory techniques research Design and guidance on inventory implementation & QA State liasons (Andy, Dave, Jeremy) Analytic consultations

4 50 (23 CA, 27 OR/WA) studies/collaborations ODF: LIDAR model for crowns & terrain ODF: Riparian stratification & plot design OSU: Forest canopy structure sampling OSU: Carbon dynamics uncertainty modeling Sonoma State: P. Ramorum host map accuracy UWisc: Wildland urban interface mapping UCB: Historic Weiselander plots and maps for CA UMontana: Classifying stand structure via SVS S&PF: Sudden oak death remeasurement National Fire Plan: Post-fire remeasurement PNW: Community composition & gradient analysis PNW/JFSP: GNNfire fuel maps PNW/R3: FIA BioSum ORCA/AZNM + Biosummatic

5 Western juniper – Dave Azuma Juniper forest expanded from 436 thousand acres in 1936 to 3+ million acres Of the 3 million acres of juniper savanna, 1 million have more than 25 trees per acre Even if only half of savanna lands show increases in juniper density, Oregon will have over 5 million acres of juniper forest in 20 years

6 John Day riparian pilot – Vicente Monleon Assess efficiency –Of two plot shapes (circular vs. rectangular) –Of two plot sizes (one vs. both sides of the stream). Develop estimators of population attributes when sample locations are obtained from a GIS-based stream network Compare characteristics of riparian forests vs. upland forest in the John Day watershed. Evaluate stability of indicators of vegetation degradation as sampling protocols vary (with EPA)

7 Proportion of P3 plots with 1 or more nonnative plants by ecoregion (overall=71%) Invasives in OR – Andy Gray

8 Proportion of species that are nonnative

9 Barrett, Tara M. Pre-epidemic mortality rates for common Phytophthora ramorum host tree species in California. (In press, proceedings of the Sudden Oak Death Science Symposium II) SOD mortality first found 1995 in tanoaks.  Average annual mortality 1981-84 to 1991-94 of host trees: 0.43 +/- 0.09 percent (natural) 1.02 +/- 0.13 percent (total)  In 14 California counties that are under quarantine, volume of 9 host species increased an estimated 4 to 28 percent between 1981-84 and 1991-94.  Best guess of longer term trend: hardwood timberland host species (bigleaf maple, California black oak, California laurel, Pacific madrone, and tanoak) had substantial volume/biomass increases from the late 1960s to the early 1990s. Infected coast live oak, Big Sur State Park, January 2005

10 Normalizing a long time series of LANDSAT data to characterize early successional forest patterns in western Oregon Todd Schroeder Fast Slow


12 GNNfire: EWA map accuracy Ohmann, Pierce, Wimberly, Fried 1000 hour fuels Basal Area QMDLarge snag vol.

13 Jointly optimizing fuel treatments and biomass plant sites 1 Jeremy Fried and PJ Daugherty 1 Winner or the 2005 INFORMS Best Forestry Paper award. FIA BioSum MIP –Mixed integer programming variant Simultaneous optimization of: –Fuel treatment prescription –Biomass plant siting –Biomass plant capacity

14 In N. CA, SW/Central OR, up to $9 billion net revenue 12 billion cu. ft. merch. 124 million green tons biomass 8 million acres treated 47 biomass processing facilities 1000+ MW over 10 years Fried JS, Daugherty PJ. Jointly optimizing selection of fuel treatments and siting of biomass facilities for landscape-scale fire hazard reduction. Information Science and Operations Research. [submitted]

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