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The RSA Cryptosystem The methods of encryption that we have studied so far have been historical methods that are not very useful for today’s computer age.

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Presentation on theme: "The RSA Cryptosystem The methods of encryption that we have studied so far have been historical methods that are not very useful for today’s computer age."— Presentation transcript:

1 The RSA Cryptosystem The methods of encryption that we have studied so far have been historical methods that are not very useful for today’s computer age. The RSA cryptosystem, named afte its developers Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adelman, who invented the cryptosystem in 1977, is a method that has been widely publicized and is used widely today. The purpose of this section is to describe the properties of the cryptosystem and som of its special properties…

2 RSA Cryptosystem Setup Important Facts Concerning the RSA Cryptosystem Important Facts Example 1: Create an RSA scheme to encipher “USA”. Example 1 Notes Concerning Example 1… Notes

3 Security of the RSA Cryptosystem Security of the Method Example 2: Discussion on the issue of security… Example 2

4 The Public Key When the RSA was developed, it was the first commercially developed type of system in which the sender and receiver of a message do not have to agree on a key beforehand in order to encipher and decipher messages. The RSA is an example of a public key cryptosystem. Anyone can send messages. Only the receiver who knows the value of d can decipher the message. Normally, a key center is responsible for distributing public and private keys to people who request them. – This key center might be your company, school, or even teacher…

5 ASCII Alphabet Assignment When enciphering messages using the RSA_Cipher applet (created by Mr. Fisher), we will use the ASCII table.ASCII table – The ASCII table allows us the flexibility to use letters, characters, and punctuation in our messages. – Example 3: Convert Message to ASCII. Example 3 – Example 4: Lose Message Because Y > m. Example 4

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