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What is IIASA? An introduction to the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.

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1 What is IIASA? An introduction to the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis



4 FOOD 870 million people were undernourished in 2012 (FAO) By 2030, the world’s population will have increased by one billion (IIASA) Agriculture accounts for 70% of freshwater withdrawals (UN Water)


6 783 million people have inadequate access to safe freshwater (WHO & UNICEF) Water use has been growing at more than twice the rate of population increase in the last century (FAO & UN-Water) Hydropower supplies about 20% of the world’s electricity (ICOLD)


8 2.5 billion people are without access to modern energy (IIASA/GEA) World primary energy demand expected to increase by 33% between 2011 & 2035 (IEA) Energy production and consumption contributes over 80% of global GHG emissions (IIASA)


10 CLIMATE CHANGE Each of the last three decades has been successively warmer at the Earth’s surface than any preceding decade since 1850 (IPCC) Global surface temperature change for the end of the 21st century is likely to exceed 1.5°C relative to 1850 for all scenarios (IPCC) 70 million Africans could suffer from devastating floods as a result of climate change (IPCC)


12 POVERTY & EQUITY 1.2 billion people are still living in extreme poverty (UN MDG) 60.9 % of workers in the developing world still live on less than US$4 a day (UN MDG) “Hunger is a cause of poverty, not just a consequence of it.” (FAO)



15 IIASA STRATEGY 2011-2020

16 MISSION To provide insight and guidance to policymakers worldwide by finding solutions to global and universal problems through applied systems analysis in order to improve human and social wellbeing and to protect the environment.

17 New Research Framework Integrated Solutions for Sustainability Transformations Natural Systems Technology & Infrastructure Systems Human & Social Systems Integrated Systems Analysis Science, Policy, Society Partnerships

18 IIASA Research Systems Approaches in Support of Sustainability World Population (POP) Energy (ENE) Air Quality* (AIR) Transitions to New Technologies (TNT) Risk & Resilience* (RAR) Global Health Evolution & Ecology (EEP) Advanced Systems Analysis (ASA) Land Use, Agriculture & Ecosystems* (LAE) Water (WAT) * Proposed new names under discussion

19 How IIASA Delivers Impact Core Research Crosscutting Research Capacity Development and Training Science to Policy Administration, Infrastructure & Services Community Services Science Diplomacy New Methodologies in Systems Approaches Exploratory Projects Large-scale Integrated Projects Supporting Major Global Transformations Governance

20 Working at the heart of the IPCC reports 21 IIASA researchers and council members were lead authors or contributors to the latest report Helping to develop the Representative Concentration Pathways And Shared Socioeconomic Pathways IIASA also serves as the repository for two IPCC databases

21 The Global Energy Assessment a review of major energy challenges an assessment of current technologies pathways to solutions policy recommendations and tools The GEA addressed four topics that are key to energy transformation: The GEA also provided the scientific basis for the global initiative Sustainable Energy for All.

22 Shaping European air quality policy IIASA model GAINS explores the synergies and trade- offs between control of air pollution and mitigation of greenhouse gases. The European Commission’s new clean air policy package, introduced in 2013, was based on GAINS scenarios. New EU climate and energy targets for 2030, agreed in 2014, were informed by GAINS model results on the benefits and costs of different climate policies.

23 Using citizen science to gather vital land- use data The IIASA Geo-Wiki project harnesses the power of citizen science to collect and verify land cover data Volunteers review locations where data are missing or where sources disagree. People playing Geo-Wiki games on tablet, mobile phone, and PC, have validated land cover data over half the size of the EU. Geo-Wiki samples collected across the UK

24 Sustainable land use GAEZ analyzes the synergies and trade-offs between alternative uses of resources (land, water, technology). GAEZ has been refined over 30 years, and continues to shape land-use policy today. GAEZ findings have contributed reports for the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and World Bank.

25 Helping to protect fish stocks This framework is now in widespread use and enables fisheries managers to estimate changes in genetic traits and study the effects. IIASA, working under ICES, developed a framework for Evolutionary Impact Assessments. Intense fishing can alter fish species’ genetics, possibly putting them at risk of population collapse.

26 Demonstrating the power of education BUT work at IIASA showed that most improvements can be explained by increasing education levels. Previously it was assumed that nations’ economic development was tied to decreasing fertility rates. Education is also vital for climate change adaptation. The education of young women is the most important factor in reducing vulnerability to natural disasters.

27 Strengthening flood resilience IIASA is a founding member of the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance, which: Strengthens the resilience of communities against floods Disseminates knowledge and expertise Conducts innovative research The project received the UN “Momentum for Change” Lighthouse Activity award in 2014

28 Helping countries bounce back The IIASA CATSIM model allows countries to evaluate different policy options for dealing with natural disasters Madagascar sought IIASA assistance in the wake of cyclone Gafilo, which killed 363 people. This helped develop risk management and technology approaches for the country to reduce future disaster impacts.

29 Global population growth: Is education the missing link? IIASA 2014 population projections were the first to include education. The findings show world population increases more slowly if education is better, peaking and declining to 8 billion by 2100.

30 Integrated Projects Supporting Major Transitions IIASA consistently emphasizes the importance of problem solving over disciplinary interests. Major cross-cutting projects include: ISIMIP, examining the impact of climate change on people. Tropical Futures Initiative, exploring how to achieve sustainable management of forests

31 IIASA MEMBERS: Represent scientific community of a country and are often the National Academy or principal research funding agency

32 FUNDING Annual income in 2014 was €19.2 million of which 54% was from IIASA National Member Organizations. Additional funding comes from contracts and grants. Between 2006 and 2014, IIASA research was awarded grants that amounted to €69 million. This was part of a total funding portfolio of €329 million of the external projects in which IIASA was and is involved.

33 ATTRACTING THE BEST SCIENTISTS Scientific Staff323 Research visitors to IIASA1,400 Other worldwide collaborators (including ~25% of IIASA alumni network) ~800 TOTAL (for 2014)~2500 In addition, IIASA collaborates with almost 300 institutions from 65 countries



36 Capacity building The Young Scientists Summer Program trains the next generation of researchers from around the world

37 IIASA Postdoctoral Research Program Every year IIASA provides full funding for several postdoctoral researchers. The Luis Donaldo Colosio Fellowship awards Mexican citizens a two-year position at IIASA. The Peter E. de Janosi Postdoctoral Fellowship offers 10 year-long postdoctoral positions.



40 NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS Professor Tjalling Koopmans and Professor Leonid Kantorovich Nobel Prize in Economics (1975)

41 NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS Professor Paul Crutzen Nobel Prize for Chemistry (1995)

42 NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS Professor Thomas C. Schelling Nobel Prize for Economics (2005)

43 NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Nobel Peace Prize (2007)

44 Thank you For further information about IIASA: or Subscribe to IIASA’s publications:

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