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Welcome to Unit 3! Creative Activities It will be helpful to have your course books nearby, if possible. Feel free to chat with each other. We will begin.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Unit 3! Creative Activities It will be helpful to have your course books nearby, if possible. Feel free to chat with each other. We will begin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Unit 3! Creative Activities It will be helpful to have your course books nearby, if possible. Feel free to chat with each other. We will begin class promplty!

2 Unit Three Course Outcomes CE230-3: Describe ways children express their creativity at various developmental stages

3 Literature Link The third seminar will focus on the different theories that will assist you in understanding the play of young children. Before the seminar, listen to the book Beautiful Blackbird, by Ashley Bryan, (the 13th book on this page): =ITReadMore =ITReadMore

4 Literature Springboard Sharing children’s literature selections can provide a springboard for multicultural understanding and creative activities. Select one additional story to listen to before coming to seminar. Be prepared to discuss how this children’s literature selection could be used as a springboard for creative activities. How does your literature selection address diversity issues and promote multicultural understanding? How can we integrate creative activities to promote or foster multicultural understanding?

5 Why is play important?

6 Importance of Play Give children opportunity to understand the world Interact with others in social ways Express and control emotions Builds motor skills

7 Stages of Play Identify the stages of play and describe at least two (2) specific types of play that generally occur during each one of these developmental periods. Do you think any one stage is more important than another? Why?

8 Stages of Play Sensory Exploration Egocentric Speculation Personal Experimentation

9 Sensory Exploration Birth to age 5 Children are flexible and excited about their environment Playfulness enhanced by using senses to explore

10 Egocentric Speculation 2 – 7 Years Old Fantasy and exaggeration of intuitive expressions dominate this phase “Magical Powers” exist Playfulness enhanced by providing opportunities for dramatic play

11 Personal Experimentation 6 – 10 Years of Age Trial-and-error approach to the world Playfulness enhanced by experimenting with visual and auditory images.

12 Describe at least two (2) specific types of play that generally occur during each one of these developmental periods.

13 Sensory Exploration An example of an appropriate toy is a large textured ball made of a variety of fabrics that produces a bell sound when moved. The very young infant feels the ball, sees the variation of fabrics and hears the sound. Other examples – Baby Einstein saucers, baby gyms, rattles

14 Egocentric Speculation Dress-up clothes, including hats, men’s and women’s jackets, pocketbooks, wallets, shoes, boots, and scraps of fabric. Place these items in a housekeeping center. What other ideas to you have?

15 Personal Experimentation Learning Centers Set up a Mexican restaurant center when studying Mexico Set up a fitness center to encourage increased physical activity. Centers provide opportunities to play and experiment within the curriculum framework.

16 Do you think one stage is more important than another? Why or why not?

17 What types of multicultural materials would you include in a kindergarten class to encourage play? Why would you choose those materials?

18 What types of play did you participate in as a young child that allowed you to be imaginative or creative? Why do you think they made a difference?

19 Weekly Reminders Complete readings Post your answer to our discussion board question and respond to several of your classmates’ posts Complete Graded Review

20 Discussion Board Requirements Initial post is within the 100 word-range and makes a clear connection to the unit readings. Respond to several classmates. Keep the flow of discussion going by asking questions, sharing experiences, and posting throughout the week. Use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation when posting.

21 Ways to get help! Email your instructor Post your question to the Course Questions discussion board (under "Course Home" > "Course Questions")

22 References Isbell, R.T. and Raines, S. C. (2007). Creativity and the Arts with Young Children. Thomson Delmar Learning. Isbell, R.T. and Raines, S. C. (2007). Creativity and the Arts with Young Children. Thomson Delmar Learning.

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