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Puberty and Body Changes 1. Starter Activity Use the prompt sheets provided to interview a partner about how you have changed since you first started.

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Presentation on theme: "Puberty and Body Changes 1. Starter Activity Use the prompt sheets provided to interview a partner about how you have changed since you first started."— Presentation transcript:

1 Puberty and Body Changes 1

2 Starter Activity Use the prompt sheets provided to interview a partner about how you have changed since you first started primary school. Why do these changes happen? Do you think about them consciously or do they just happen? 2

3 Definitions of Puberty? The time in our lives when our bodies and feelings change in many ways. For girls, puberty usually starts to happen between the ages of 10 and 13; for boys, usually between 11 and 16 years. Puberty may start earlier or later for either gender – this is all normal! 3

4 Puberty Changes Card Sort Look at each card and talk together in groups about whether this change happens: Only to boys Only to girls To both boys and girls Record any of your own ideas on the blank cards 4

5 Hair grows - on the face 5 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

6 Hair grows - underarms 6 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

7 Hair grows – around the genitals 7 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

8 Skin becomes oilier – may have spots or acne 8 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

9 Height increases 9 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

10 Breasts start to develop 10 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

11 Stronger Body Smell 11 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

12 Emotional Changes and Mood Swings 12 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

13 Ovaries start to release eggs and periods start 13 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

14 Hips Widen 14 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

15 Shoulders widen 15 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

16 Voice Deepens or ‘Breaks’ 16 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

17 Hair begins to grow – on the chest 17 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

18 Testes and penis grow larger 18 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

19 Testes begin to produce sperm and ‘wet dreams’ may start 19 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

20 Hair begins to get greasy 20 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

21 Body starts to produce sex hormones 21 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

22 Unwanted Erections 22 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

23 Begin to have sexual thoughts and feelings 23 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

24 Question Sexuality 24 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

25 Interested in having boy/girlfriends 25 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

26 Increased and noticeable vaginal discharge 26 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

27 Friendship seems more important than family 27 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

28 Feeling depressed or down 28 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

29 Needing to ‘fit in’ – peer pressure 29 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

30 Arguing with parents 30 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

31 Thinking about the future 31 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

32 Worries about weight 32 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

33 Worries about looks 33 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

34 Tearful 34 Only boys? Only girls? Both?

35 Feelings and Worries What sort of worries do boys and girls have? Are the lists mainly positive or negative? Why? What similarities are there for boys and girls? How can young people help one another through puberty? Where can young people go for any problems that they may be facing? 35

36 Agony Auntie/Uncle Work in groups to look at some of the scenarios and try to provide helpful advice Be prepared to share your ideas with the class 36

37 Discuss your responses…. Dear Agony Aunt Why am I different? My friends in school are all wearing bras and most of them have started their periods. Not much has happened to me yet! I’ve only grown a bit of pubic hair and my breasts aren’t doing much. I’m nearly 13 years old and much taller than the rest of them! Help! Liz, age 12 Dear Agony Uncle, I feel so ugly. My face is covered in spots all the time, it’s sore and red. I think it is acne but why has it happened so suddenly? Will it go away? Steve, age 14

38 Discuss your responses…. Dear Agony Aunt I’m really worried because I seem to be arguing with my parents all the time these days. We fall out over the slightest thing and there is a really bad atmosphere at home. What can I do? Jane, age 13 Dear Agony Uncle, I’m embarrassed because I seem to be growing breasts. Some of my friends are teasing me and saying that I need a bra. What can I do? Colin, age 14

39 A Reminder… Remember that everyone is ‘normal’ Don’t be afraid to ask for help What sources of support are group members aware of? What about websites? 39

40 Plenary Some countries and cultures have special ceremonies when boys and girls hit puberty. They may have a party where they invite members of the family or complete a test of strength. Why do you think we don’t celebrate puberty in this country?

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