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 Music everywhere in our lives  Popular music styles  Famous musicians and composers.

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2  Music everywhere in our lives  Popular music styles  Famous musicians and composers

3 Music is everywhere in our life. We hear it on the radio, on TV, in the street, in the shops and cafes, in the cars, in the park, everywhere. People go to different concerts, visit concert halls and opera theatres. For someone music is just a hobby. Older people like jazz while the other prefers. A serious and emotional type of music, listening to it needs some musical education. Nowadays most people prefer modern music. There are different kinds of modern music: Rap, techno, hip hop, R and B, and disco. The teenagers listen to rap.

4 We have many composers, for example: Bob Marley, Elvis Presley, Whitney Houston, M. Lysenko are very popular.

5 Many people play musical instruments. Stringed instruments : a violin, a kobza, a guitar. Wind instruments : a flute, a saxophone, bagpipes. Percussion instruments : a drum, a xylophone. Keyboard instruments : a piano, an organ, an accordion.

6 As for me I like to listen to disco and hip hop, becouse listening to music gives my brain a break and helps me though the day……

7  When do you listen to music?  What’s you favourite kind of music?  What is classical music?  What music do the teenagers/ older people prefer?

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