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18A Stems ORANGE. ATMO vapor Atmosphere - the envelope of gases and vapors surrounding the earth.

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Presentation on theme: "18A Stems ORANGE. ATMO vapor Atmosphere - the envelope of gases and vapors surrounding the earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 18A Stems ORANGE

2 ATMO vapor Atmosphere - the envelope of gases and vapors surrounding the earth.

3 CARDIO heart Cardiology – the study of the heart.

4 COSMO world or universe Cosmopolitan - familiar with and comfortable in many different countries and cultures. ***Read all over the world

5 COUNTER against Counterproductive - having the opposite of the desired effect.

6 CRANIO skull Craniotomy – surgically opening the skull.

7 CYCLO circle Cyclone – a system of winds turning in a circular motion. U4nEqL08

8 GNO know Diagnosis – knowing what a specific illness is based on its symptoms.

9 OSS bone Ossicle - a very small bone, especially one of those in the middle ear.

10 XYLO wood Xylophone - a musical instrument played by striking a row of wooden bars of graduated length. frE

11 MONGER seller Fishmonger – a person or store that sells fish for food.

12 SEPT seven Septuagenarian - a person who is from 70 to 79 years old.

13 XENO stranger Xenophobia – the fear of people from other countries. aJf8W0

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