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Volcanoes By Josie, Piper and Lilly. Parts of the Volcano.

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Presentation on theme: "Volcanoes By Josie, Piper and Lilly. Parts of the Volcano."— Presentation transcript:

1 Volcanoes By Josie, Piper and Lilly

2 Parts of the Volcano

3 Parts of Volcano Side Vent: A side vent is where lava exits through the side vent and not the main vent. Lava : The lava is the hot melted magma inside the volcano that can look like fireworks shooting out of the volcano. Ash cloud: An ash cloud is the cloud that comes out of the volcano before the lava and during the rumble. It looks as if it were a massive cloud but actually this is called the ash cloud. Crater: A crater is the top of the volcano where the lava come spilling out from the magma chamber. Throat: The throat of the volcano is the tunnel starting in the magma chamber and continuing up to the crater. Parasitic Cone: The Parasitic cone is the cinder on the side of a volcano. Crater Parasitic Cone

4 Shapes of Volcano Calder: A Calder volcano is a volcano shaped more like a mountain than a bowl Tao Rusyr Russia Shield Volcano: This type of volcano is made of basaltic lava. It is some what like a composite volcano. Kilauea Cinder cone Volcano: A Cinder Cone Volcano is a volcano that looks like a bowl crater. The cinder cone is made out of basaltic material and takes a longer cycle to erupt. Composite Volcano: A composite Volcano is made out of layers of lava and looks like a tall, cone- shaped mountain. The Composite volcano also erupts different ways at different times. Dome Volcano: The Dome volcano has high silica content and dynamic structure through out the volcano. Cinder cone Kelud volcano Composite volcano

5 Activities Extinct: An extinct volcano is where the volcano will not explode with magma any more or the last explosion was before any written record. Dormant: A Dormant volcano is not extinct but probably won’t erupt. The dormant volcano has at least 1 written record of an eruption. Cotocachi Volcano in Hawaii Active: An active volcano is a volcano can erupt any moment or at any time. It normally has an 80% chance of eruption. Arenal

6 Types Of Volcano Eruptions Hawaiian Eruption: Lava comes into the air jets and splatters of lava combine and they form a lava flow. Strombolian Eruption: It erupts when gas bubbles explode and it spurts fluid, liquid lava into the air and down the slopes. Vulcanan: It is a short, small but violent eruption and is comprised of viscous ( a thicker, less- watery) magma. Plinian Eruption: It is a large eruption an it lasting as long as a few days. This is the most dangerous variety of volcanic eruption. Mt Redoubt Mt Tavurvur Arenal Kilauea

7 Ring of Fire The line of most volcanoes form between North America, Europe, Australia. The Ring of Fire is a ring where most of the dangerous volcanoes in the world form and are located. The Ring of Fire is in the Pacific Ocean. Sakura jims, Japan

8 Image Locations SyllabusImages/tungurahua-volcano.jpg http://www.scarborough.k12 91AdPN9_P_3MpNmYzKkWSVl4b57Q-7G4EbPSsX1&t=1 hotos/indonesia/kelud/kelud_1107/kelud_e33154.jpg 98809siau-volcano-erupting-with-moon-behind-n-sulawesi-indo nesia-posters.jpg ArenalVolcano.jpg d72a81b05.jpg / the-world-Sakurajima-Volcano-300x208.jpg the-world-Sakurajima-Volcano-300x208.jpg 5 5students/jschingeck/P11/volcano.pd ain_Page

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