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Volcano God of fre. HAVE YOU EVER WONDER… …what volcano actually is…?

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Presentation on theme: "Volcano God of fre. HAVE YOU EVER WONDER… …what volcano actually is…?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Volcano God of fre

2 HAVE YOU EVER WONDER… …what volcano actually is…?

3 VOLCANO place full of magma Thousands of volcanoes VOLCANO ACTIVE EXTINCT

4 BIG VOLCANOES ON EARTH Kilimand ž aro-east Africa Cotopaxy-South America Orizaba-Mexico Mauna Kea-in the ocean

5 Sumatra, Java, Japan, Africa, west America, Italy... Small volcanoes Geysers

6 VOLCANO- god of fire

7 people actually live next by the volcano Vitamins, minerals, water

8 Disaster 1815, Sambawa Tambora erupted 12 000 people died

9 DISASTERS Of 20 th st. Santa Maria, Gvatemala; 1902 -20 000 people died Nevado del Ruiz, Columbia; 1985 -21 000 people died Etna, Sicilian;1979 - 9 persons died because of flying rocks Mount Pelẻe, Martinique, 1902 -30 000 people died

10 V O L C A N O E S I N T H E U N I V E R S E ? ? Y E S ! Olympus- 27 km

11 By Sara Bakota Martina Leko 1 d

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