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Space Shuttle  Presentation by:  Adjunct Professor Walter Barry  Space Shuttle launch  Orbit  Re-entry  Private Enterprise.

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Presentation on theme: "Space Shuttle  Presentation by:  Adjunct Professor Walter Barry  Space Shuttle launch  Orbit  Re-entry  Private Enterprise."— Presentation transcript:

1 Space Shuttle  Presentation by:  Adjunct Professor Walter Barry  Space Shuttle launch  Orbit  Re-entry  Private Enterprise

2 Slow Taxi To The Launch Pad

3 Shuttle Preparation

4 Ignition Throttle 104% & 5 million newtons of thrust (1.125 x 10 6 lbf.)

5 Liftoff SRB Ignite each applies 11.8 million newtons (2.65x10 6 lbf.)

6 Acceleration

7 Acceleration To Speed of Sound Acceleration to “MAX Q” the region of maximum dynamic pressure Mach number= True airspeed Speed of sound at flight temp

8 Orbital Velocity & G Forces

9 Phases of Launch Gross mass of more then 2 million kg +120 seconds SBR Jettisoned to parachute SSME throttle back to 3 Gs

10 Cockpit Checks

11 Fish Eye Camera

12 Capturing Orbit & Opening Cargo Doors

13 Working The Cargo Bay

14 Payloads Telescopes, Satellites & Space Station Supplies

15 Cockpit Discipline

16 Specific Orbits & Docking Velocities

17 Inverted Maneuvers

18 Docking

19 Space Walk

20 Programming Re-entry

21 Forces On Re-entry Upper Atmosphere

22 Re-entry Corridor 400,000 ft & 5158 Up Range

23 Heating By Angle of Attack & Angle of Re-entry 40 degree Angle of Attack

24 Heat Comparisons

25 Approach To Landing 19 degree glide slope

26 The Perfect Gliding Flare Touch down speed 218 mph/190 knots

27 Touch Down & Angle of Attack Soft Field Landing

28 Deceleration Parachute Deployed

29 Private Enterprise

30 Glass Cockpit Space Ship

31 Feathering the Wing & Drag Manipulation

32 Atmospheric & Geological Studies

33 Active Volcano


35 Moon and Beyond

36 Earth To Moon Orbits

37 Return

38 Shuttle References ceCode=RSS ceCode=RSS



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