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By Mrs. Raines Interactive Lesson  A volcano is shaped like a mountain constructed from lava and/or pyroclastics.  They erupt when “magma is generated.

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2 By Mrs. Raines Interactive Lesson

3  A volcano is shaped like a mountain constructed from lava and/or pyroclastics.  They erupt when “magma is generated by partial melting of the rock peridotite in the upper mantle to form magma with a basaltic composition”, ultimatly resulting in “buoyant molten rock will rise toward the surface” (Foundations of Earth Science).  When a volcano erupts, pyroclastic materials spew out of the vent.  A series of volcanoes that align around the edge of the pacific plate is called The Ring of Fire.  Volcanoes can have a status of active, dormant, or extinct.  Different types of volcanoes: strato and shield.

4  Found at tensional boundaries.  Gentle eruptions with fluid lava.  Cone is shape of volcano with it being wide and low, also having a gentle slope. (Geography). BBC- GCSE Bitesize. Strato and Shield Volcanoes. [Images]. Retrieved from /natural_hazards/volcanoes_rev3.shtml

5  Found at compressional boundaries.  Pyroclastic flow with high speeds of flow.  Have a cone shape with differentiating layers of ash and lava (Geography). BBC- GCSE Bitesize. Strato and Shield Volcanoes. [Images]. Retrieved from /natural_hazards/volcanoes_rev3.shtml

6  Lava- Magma that reaches Earth’s surface.  Mantle- The 2900-kilometer- (1800mile-) thick layer of Earth located below the crust.  Crust- The very thin outermost layer of Earth.  Magma- A body of molten rock found at depth, including any dissolved gases and crystals.  Pyroclastic Materials- The volcanic rock ejected during an eruption, including ash, bombs, and blocks.  Vent- a conduit (pipe) that connects a magma chamber to a volcanic crater.  Crater- The depression at the summit of a volcano.  Conduit (pipe)- A pipelike opening through which magma moves toward Earth’s surface. It terminates at a surface opening called a vent.  Active- erupt often  Dormant- inactive but not considered extinct  Extinct- Has no future of erupting.  Shield Volcano- A broad, gently sloping volcano built from fluid basaltic lavas. Has the appearance of a dome shield.  Strato Volcano- also referred to as composite cone, a volcano comprised of both lava flows and pyroclastic material. Has the appearance of a cone.

7  bgfc bgfc  Click on the link above to watch a video on volcanoes.

8 Erta Ale Volcano, Ethiopia. (National Geographic). Mount St. Helens Shadow. (National Geographic). Puu Oo Vent on Mount Kilauea, Hawaii. (National Geographic).

9  Using what you know, label the diagram using the words available, on a sheet of paper:  Ash cloud  magma chamber  conduit  side vent  vent  crust  lava Label the Volcano Diagram, [Media of image: diagram]. Retrieved from A B C D E F G

10  A. Ash Cloud  B. Side Vent  C. Crust  D. Vent  E. Lava  F. Conduit  G. Magma Chamber

11  Here is a fun, at home experiment about constructing your own volcano and causing it to erupt.  Click the link to access the site.  Have parent approval before doing the experiment.  management/how-to-build-a-volcano- model/#_a5y_p=1226050 management/how-to-build-a-volcano- model/#_a5y_p=1226050

12  BBC- GCSE Bitesize. Strato and Shield Volcanoes. [Images]. Retrieved from /natural_hazards/volcanoes_rev3.shtml  Geography: Volcanoes and volcanic eruptions. Retrieved from  Label the Volcano Diagram, [Diagram]. Retrieved from cts/volcano/labelvolcano.shtml  Lucero, Jasmine. (2013). How to Build a Volcano Model. Retrieved from model/#_a5y_p=1226050  Lutgens, F. K. Tarbuck, E. J. & Tasa, D. (2005). Chapter 7, Fires Within: Igneous Activity. Foundations of Earth Science (pp. 206-235). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc, Pearson Prentice Hall.  National Geographic (Producer). (2008). Volcano 101. [Streaming video]. Retrieved from  National Geographic. Steinmetz, George. (2012). Erta Ale Volcano, Ethiopia [Photograph]. Retrieved from steinmetz/  National Geographic. Cook, Diane. & Jenshel, Len. (2010). Mount St. Helens Shadow [Photograph]. Retrieved from day/mount-st-helens-shadow/ day/mount-st-  National Geographic. Lowry, Bryan. (2009). Puu Oo Vent on Mount Kilauea [Photograph]. Retrieved from pod/

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