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Overview of Particle Geophysics Elementary Particles Emerging From Inside the Earth Hiroyuki Tanaka.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of Particle Geophysics Elementary Particles Emerging From Inside the Earth Hiroyuki Tanaka."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of Particle Geophysics Elementary Particles Emerging From Inside the Earth Hiroyuki Tanaka

2 What kind of particles are emerging from inside the solid earth? A. Muons

3 How many muons are emerging from inside the solid earth? volcano earth atmospheric muons neutrino-induced muons Small scale detector Large scale detector


5 Atmospheric Muons

6 Muon Range

7 Muons Emerging From Inside Volcano-Scale Objects (Atmospheric Muons)

8 Muography Detector Pb+SUS (160 g/cm 2 ) muon

9 Muographic Images eruption on Feb 2, 2009 330 264 198 132 66 0 0 156 312 468 624 azimuth angle (mrad) elevation angle (mrad) below 2.20 2.36 above 2.52 density (g/cm 3 ) reconstructed from the muons recorded in the nuclear emulsion scintillation detector was accessed from a remote PC [Tanaka, Nakano, Niwa, Takeo et al, EPSL, 2007] [Tanaka, Uchida, Tanaka, Takeo et al, GRL, 2009]

10 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1000 2000 azimuth distance (m) elevation (m) below 1.75 1.86 above 1.95 density (g/cm 3 ) 40 30 20 10 elevation angle (deg) 10 20 30 40 50 60 azimuth angle (deg) below 1.40 1.80 above 2.20 density (g/cm 3 ) 18 16 14 elevation angle (deg) 0 5 10 15 20 25 azimuth angle (deg) below 0.40 1.50 above 2.60 density (g/cm 3 ) 400 230 60 elevation angle (mrad) 0 312 624 936 azimuth angle (mrad) below 1.90 2.40 above 2.90 density (g/cm 3 ) [Tanaka, Shinohara et al., GRL, 2009] [Tanaka, Oshima et al., GRL, 2007] [Saracino and Carloganu, Physics Today, 2012] [Lesparre and Gibert et al., GJI, 2012]

11 What kind of particles are emerging from inside the solid earth? B. Neutrino- Induced Muons


13 Muons Emerging From Inside Planetary Scale Objects (Neutrino-Induced Muons) [Gonzalez-Garcia, Halzen, Maltoni and Tanaka, PRL, 2008]

14 Seismological Tomography

15 IceCube Detector

16 Muon Neutrino Survival Probability Muon neutrino survival probabilty Zenith angle (degrees) 1 TeV 10 TeV 100 TeV 1 PeV [Gonzalez-Garcia, Halzen, Maltoni and Tanaka, PRL, 2008]

17 IceCube Preliminary Result [Hoshina, Taketa, Tanaka and IceCube Collaboration, MNR2013, 2013]

18 Matter Effects and Mass Hierarchy

19 [Rott and IceCube Collaboration, MNR2013, 2013]

20 A/Z Effect On Neutrino Oscillation [Hoshina, Taketa, Tanaka and IceCube Collaboration, MNR2013, 2013]

21 Uncertainties Coming From Oscillation Perameters [Hoshina, Taketa, Tanaka and IceCube Collaboration, MNR2013, 2013]

22 Anticipated Improvements In the Near Future

23 Survival Probability of Electron Neutrinos [Hoshina, Taketa, Tanaka and IceCube Collaboration, MNR2013, 2013]

24 PINGU Detector [Rott and IceCube Collaboration, MNR2013, 2013]

25 Ψμ (light)-Ψμ (STD) 0.15 0.12 0.09 0.06 0.03 0 -0.03 -0.06 -0.09 -0.12 -0.15 [Hoshina, Taketa, Tanaka and IceCube Collaboration, MNR2013, 2013]

26 What kind of particles are emerging from inside the solid earth? C. Geo-neutrinos


28 Neutrinos Emerging From Inside the Solid Earth (Geo-Neutrinos) [McDonough, Dye and Learned, Physics Today, 2012]

29 More detail will be given in the next talk…

30 Conclusion Elementary particles emerging from inside the solid earth can be utilized as a completely new probe to explore the interior structure of the earth and geological targets.

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