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Why an EPS Position Paper on Energy Developments in Europe ? Jef Ongena Plasma Physics Lab ERM-KMS Brussels Chairman EPS Energy Group Meeting of the EPS.

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Presentation on theme: "Why an EPS Position Paper on Energy Developments in Europe ? Jef Ongena Plasma Physics Lab ERM-KMS Brussels Chairman EPS Energy Group Meeting of the EPS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why an EPS Position Paper on Energy Developments in Europe ? Jef Ongena Plasma Physics Lab ERM-KMS Brussels Chairman EPS Energy Group Meeting of the EPS Energy Group 13-14 November 2014 IST Lisbon Portugal

2 Why a position paper ? 1. Is it not the role of Physicists / Engineers to speak out on Energy ? Who else knowledgeable in the field should / can do ? 2. If not, are we not co-responsible for an ongoing rather bad preparation for the future in Europe ? 3. If not, should we leave the Energy Policy to Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth etc… who DO speak out !

3 Why an EPS position paper ? The support of EPS is important to help physicists in Europe make their voice heard. BUT The current procedure to arrive at an EPS Position Paper is a nearly impossible task: 1. Unanimity is very hard to reach, already among us (version 56 for 2 pages; 13 months) 2. A second discussion round is required in Exec, then with the national physical societies - Result is ‘creeping and oscillatory convergence’ taking an enormous effort and time. 3. Procedure is understandable, but very impractical.

4 What if EPS cannot support a Position Paper on Energy 1.Although there could be understandable reasons, it would be a pity if EPS does not speak out on Energy. 2. Why not define another class of EPS Paper, e.g. “Opinion Paper” or “Open Letter” - Mention the number of supporting votes ? - Need e.g 2/3 of supporting national societies ? But : can it be done on a short time scale ? The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21 or CMP11) in Paris is scheduled from 30 nov – 11 dec 2015 To maximise the impact of the letter, I think it should be published ~ mid 2015 at the latest. This leaves us 6 months. 3.If not possible, then A. Publication in Europhysics News, but information only to our fellow physicists B. Write a letter to Nature -Only those colleagues that agree sign in their personal name -No obligations -Key (3) group of people to write text, based on the current position paper. Send out to group for personal ok’s.

5 Recent example of such a commentary to Nature

6 Conclusions at EPS-EG 1. Implement last minor amendments (deadline for remarks : 28 Nov) 2. Get a vote on this last amended version: a 2/3 majority means acceptance 3. Discussion in ExComm, and if accepted send out to National Physical Societies 4. A 2/3 majority would mean acceptance as an “Open Letter” of “Opinion Paper”….

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