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Class of 2016 Orientation Home of the Algonac Muskrats!

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Presentation on theme: "Class of 2016 Orientation Home of the Algonac Muskrats!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Class of 2016 Orientation Home of the Algonac Muskrats!

2 Mrs. Blair School Counselor

3 School begins at 7:35 AM School Ends at 2:20 PM Three (3) lunch breaks Lunch is determined by your 4 th hour teacher! AHS Hours of Operation

4 High School Schedule Monday, Wednesday & Friday 1 st Hour: 7:35-8:35 AM 2 nd Hour: 8:40-9:38 AM 3 rd Hour: 9:43-10:41 AM First Lunch: 10:41-11:11 AM 4 th Hour: 11:16 – 12:14 PM Second Lunch: 11:16-11:46 AM 4 th hour: 10:46-11:16 AM (lunch) 11:46-12:14 PM Third Lunch: 11:44-12:14 PM 4 th hour: 10:46 – 11:44 AM 5 th Hour: 12:19-1:17 PM 6 th Hour: 1:22-2:20 PM

5 Tuesday & Thursday Schedule 1 st Hour: 7:35-8:25 AM 2 nd Hour: 8:30-9:20 AM SEMINAR: 9:25-9:55 AM 3 rd Hour: 10:00-10:50 AM First Lunch: 10:55-11:25 AM 4 th Hour: 11:30 – 12:30 PM Second Lunch: 11:30-12:00 PM 4 th hour: 10:55-11:25 AM (lunch) 12:05-12:30 PM Third Lunch: 12:00-12:30 PM 4 th hour: 10:46 – 11:55 AM 5 th Hour: 12:35-1:25 PM 6 th Hour: 1:30-2:20 PM

6 All students have a seminar. After 2 nd hour. Tuesday & Thursday. 30 minutes Various topics including academic assistance, mentoring and character education. Four (4) rotations a year.

7 Visit the AHS Counseling Center Website click on “ Student Services ”

8 Earning High School Credits 23.5 REQUIRED 4 English 4 Math 3 Social Studies (US, World, Government) 3 Science (Biology, Chemistry or Physics, 1 more science) 1 PE/Health 2 Foreign Language (Spanish I counts) 1 VPAA 5.5 Electives

9 23.5 REQUIRED to GRADUATE! You earn six (6) credits a year Three (3) a semester.5 for each class 6x4=24 credits

10 Extra-Curricular Activities (.25 Credit Each) All Sports Student Council Quiz Bowl SADD All sports are listed at the Athletics Website! Extra Credits

11 GET INVOLVED!!  Join a club  Join a sport  Play an instrument  Sing, perform, act  Do something!!

12 Mrs. Wynkoop, Mr. Thiede and the Student Council Students will tell you more about things you can get involved in while in high school! DO SOMETHING!!

13 SAMPLE 9 th grade Schedule 1 st hour –Biology I/II 2 nd hour – Geometry 3 rd hour – Survey of Lit & Comp 4 th hour – PE/Health 5 th hour – US History 6 th hour – Spanish II

14 What does a high school schedule look like? \\staff\users\kblair\My Documents\Scheduling\Schedule 1.pdf \\staff\users\kblair\My Documents\Scheduling\Schedule 2.pdf

15 The High School Transcript Is a record of all the class taken and grades earned in high school. Middle school grades are not reported on the high school transcript. The high school grade point average is cumulative, meaning that all grades are averaged together. The GPA is unweighted. 4-point scale A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1, E = 0

16 What does a transcript look like? \\staff\users\kblair\My Documents\Transcripts\Transcript.pdf \\staff\users\kblair\My Documents\Transcripts\Transcript.pdf \\staff\users\kblair\My Documents\Transcripts\Transcript 2.pdf \\staff\users\kblair\My Documents\Transcripts\Transcript 2.pdf

17 Credit Recovery (E 20/20) You have to pass classes. If you don’t, you have to do them in credit recovery. If you don’t finish them, you don’t graduate.

18 ATTENDANCE IS IMPORTANT! Come to school everyday! Direct correlation between attending school and doing well. Lose credit for too many absences. Attendance contract. More than 10 days absent a semester, you might lose credit!

19 GET Good Grades! You will earn awards! You will earn scholarships for college! You will have more opportunities in the future!

20 Academic Achievement Awards Each year students are honored for getting good grades. The assembly is held in the fall and called “Academic Achievement Award Assembly” Awards are earned based on grades earned in the “core classes”. Students must earn at least a 3.5 each marking period.

21 AHS Ranking System Suma Cum Laude: 4.0 – 3.67 Magna Cum Laude: 3.66 – 3.34 Cum Laude: 3.33 – 3.0 Students in the Summa Cum Laude category will have an opportunity to compete for the opportunity to speak at graduation. The rubric is as follows: 1. Overall Grade Point Average 2. ACT Score 3. Class Selection Rigor Candidates will be invited to audition in front of a selection committee if they wish to be one of three speakers at graduation.

22 HAVE A PLAN! Sample 4 year plans in the Algonac High School Scheduling Guide!

23 What a 9 th grader should do … Take challenging classes. Get good grades! Have good attendance. Create a 4-year plan. Develop good study habits. Join a sport or club. Get involved in school & community. Explore careers. Explore colleges and universities.

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