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Plymouth Public Schools Teacher

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2 Plymouth Public Schools Teacher Domain

3 Plymouth Public Schools Student Domain (Secondary Students: Grades 6 - 12)

4 Plymouth Public Schools Student Domain (Elementary Students: Grades 1 - 5) es. xxxxx

5 Google Apps Usernames for Students Standard Year of Graduation - Last Name - First Initial Example: Tom Brady is a Freshmen (in 2010/2011 school year) Google UserID would be: 2014bradyt

6 Student Password Standard (Secondary): FirstName Initial - LastName Initial - Local System ID (LASID) Example:Tom Brady FirstName Initial: t; LastName Initial: b; LASID: 2310654 Google Password would be: tb2310654

7 Student Password Standard (Elementary): FirstName Initial - LastName Initial - School Lunch ID Example:Tom Brady FirstName Initial: t; LastName Initial: b; School Lunch ID: 12345 Google Password would be: tb12345

8 No student will be assigned an email account without approval by parent/guardian. The email naming convention will be as noted: YOG-last name-first In addition, the “real” name (first name/last name) will follow a similar naming convention, ensuring that NO first names will be used or appear in the “from” area of their sent email.

9 How do I log in?

10 One Sign-In Portal for all users in Plymouth Teachers and Students


12 Web Addresses for our Teacher Domain Google Docs Google Calendar Google Sites Google Start Page Google Contacts us us

13 What is your Username? jcolby What is your Teacher Password? REQUIRED to change immediately 6 characters minimum If you forget, you need to go through the Google Apps Administrator.

14 Enter your Username and Password

15 Start Page Calendar Documents Sites Contacts For Teachers

16 Sharing Settings Click on Share In the Add people: text box Just type a letter and see what names come up. You can type in first name, last name, userid, or just an initial.

17 Collaborating While Working on a Google Document

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