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Mindset of a Sales Champion. “If I believe in something, I sell it, and I sell it hard.” -Estee Lauder.

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Presentation on theme: "Mindset of a Sales Champion. “If I believe in something, I sell it, and I sell it hard.” -Estee Lauder."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mindset of a Sales Champion

2 “If I believe in something, I sell it, and I sell it hard.” -Estee Lauder

3 1.Focused 2.Competitive 3.Burning desire to reach certain numbers 4.Take losing personally, but don’t let it stop them 5.An expectation of winning Top Salespeople Are Like Top Athletes

4 How a sales champion thinks You have an expectation of winning You set big goals for yourself You don’t quit until you’ve reached your goals You see sales as a game with a clear scoreboard…and you HATE to lose You’re willing to move forward every day, even if you’re making mistakes

5 How a sales champion thinks You hold yourself accountable to getting it done every day You accept that not everyone is going to like you You don’t need the approval of others to feel good about yourself You accept that some people will criticize you

6 How a sales champion thinks You accept the fact that many people will lie to you You accept that rejection is part of selling You believe that you have something valuable to share and if you aren’t you are missing out on the ability to help people

7 The major mindset challenges 1.Need for approval 2.Fear of rejection 3.Call anxiety 4.Negative self-talk 5.Performance anxiety 6.Perfectionism

8 The reality Not working on the mental game of sales will likely cost you millions of dollars in your career.

9 3 Tips for Success

10 #1#1 Ditch any negative record you are playing in your head about “not being a natural born salesperson.”

11 #2#2 Go into this realizing that sales is a FULL CONTACT SPORT, but the bumps and bruises along the way are worth it.

12 #3#3 Commit to conditioning yourself mentally for success everyday.

13 Take action! I am going to be sharing MY mindset challenges as we move forward Commit to doing your homework and honestly evaluating your mindset challenges With this approach we can address and tackle the challenges together!

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