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Frames and insertion Note: Stavelet holder (working) document available on wiki:

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Presentation on theme: "Frames and insertion Note: Stavelet holder (working) document available on wiki:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Frames and insertion Note: Stavelet holder (working) document available on wiki: GB/AB for the community

2 Stavelet Frame  Concept review  no issues raised.  z=0 locator scheme chosen (2 nd of the three options)  Subsequent discussion with Martin at RAL Re: module mounting frame (went well).  Material on order to start constructing frame.  Design drawings due to be ready this week (UK locking mechanism variant). QMUL Jan 11 Deadline: engineering review this week

3 Schedule  Original timescale:  e-mailed Carl Haber/Dave Lynn to start dialogue with regard to finalising details for US stavelet frame. QMUL Jan 11 Done Objects to be built on following timescales: Frame 1: Variant=UK Timescale = mid-April Frame 2: Variant=US Timescale = mid-May Frame 3: Variant=UK Timescale = 1 st July Frame 4: Variant=US Timescale = 1 st September Will reverse order of last two if necessary Spine drawing done.

4 Module mounting frame  Follow up discussions at RAL last week.  Working toward finalizing concept. QMUL Jan 11 Deadline: concept review this week Done

5 Insertion tests  Plan to perform an insertion test of a UK object in the autumn.  What do we aim to learn for a next iteration?  What do we want to do (insertion at different angles, loading stavelet planks to simulate modules, metrology)?  What is the procedure (need to develop)?  We should discuss the possibility of a US insertion test this year.  Can/Do we do one [need parts from US for this]?  Do we provide what we can to let the US community do their own tests?  Immediately after a UK insertion test?  What might we learn from such a test?  What can we learn about insertion/locking mechanisms in a more general context (e.g. see Fred's concept).  What tooling plates do we need to design/make and interface to the RAL barrel mock-up (who does that). QMUL Jan 11

6 Long term plans  Convert designs for stave objects to stavelets on the timescale of end 2011/start 2012.  Assume staves are 1600mm (downscale for smaller staves in the future if that is necessary).  Documentation: working document on wiki, aim to keep this up to date, with necessary information to describe the stavelet frame and corresponding module mounting objects from a design/construction perspective. QMUL Jan 11

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