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C HAPTER 5: F OCUS Ezgi Boztaş. Feel the flow… To become one with the flow is to realize purpose Warrel Dane.

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Presentation on theme: "C HAPTER 5: F OCUS Ezgi Boztaş. Feel the flow… To become one with the flow is to realize purpose Warrel Dane."— Presentation transcript:

1 C HAPTER 5: F OCUS Ezgi Boztaş

2 Feel the flow… To become one with the flow is to realize purpose Warrel Dane

3 E STABLISHING F OCUS Designer’s idea Most important about game Write down focus in a short paragraph

4 A T THE BEGINNING Most compelling Trying to accomplish Experience of players Emotions of players Take away from game Unique, differences Control over the game world

5 E STABLISHING F OCUS Exhilarating Thrills you Goal you believe

6 W INTER C ARNIVAL W HIRLWIND Running around Maintaining season Excitement of snow Simple physics Hazardous environment Conflict: weather Naming the game


8 T HE F UNCTION OF THE F OCUS Avoid referring other games Describe the essence of your game Understand Tomb Raiders focus Remove parts unnecessary for your game Add new ideas Explain complexity and depth Multiple separate modes Small groups and writing

9 M AINTAINING F OCUS Share with others Everyone sign on If no one agrees Game idea is not all that good Not involved in creating – brainstorming Wrong team Best designer- filters Essential that understanding nature of the game’s focus

10 F LESHING O UT THE F OCUS Enthusiastic team & clear focus Design document Expanding focus Details of gameplay Game world Entities that gamers will encounter Concepts that don’t fit your game Production

11 C HANGING F OCUS Goals of game need to change Shortcoming, failings More compelling experience Preproduction, first level Same care Team should agree Change because you are tired

12 S UB -F OCUSES Supports main focus Attain central focus Type of players (hard-core, casual gamers) Game’s difficulty Engine & Graphics

13 U SING F OCUS Not a marketing tool Developmental tool for your team Locked into idea


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