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Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law Beneficial Ownership, Treaty Entitlement including Transparent Entities Prof.

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Presentation on theme: "Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law Beneficial Ownership, Treaty Entitlement including Transparent Entities Prof."— Presentation transcript:

1 Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law Beneficial Ownership, Treaty Entitlement including Transparent Entities Prof. Dr. Michael Lang Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration

2 Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law 2 Treaty Entitlement n Art 1 and Art 4 par 1 OECD Model Convention n Residence n Unlimited Tax Liability (Worldwide Taxation)

3 Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law 3 Concept of Residence according to Art 4 par 1 OECD Model Convention n „liable to tax […] by reason of his domicile, residence, place of management or any other criterion of a similar nature“ n „does not include any person who is liable to tax in that State in respect only of income from sources in that State“

4 Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law 4 „Liable to Tax“ n Certain level of taxation n Objective exemptions n Subjective exemptions n Entities not treated as taxpayers

5 Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law 5 Partnerships n Conflict of Allocation of Income n Example: l Source State: Allocating income to partnership l Other State: Allocating income to partners n Which State‘s tax law is relevant? n OECD: State of the beneficiary (why?) n OECD: Transparent partnerships are not residents

6 Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law 6 Beneficial Ownership (1) n OECD-Model Convention 1977 n Art 10, 11, 12 OECD.Model Convention n Not general requirement for treaty entitlement n Criterion for limitation of source taxation (e.g. Art 10 par 2, 11 par 2 OECD Model Convention) n Need to distinguish between OECD Model Convention 1963 and 1977?

7 Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law 7 Beneficial Ownership (2) n Need to distinguish between Art 10, 11 and 12 on the one hand and other provisions of the OECD Model Convention on the other hand? n Beneficial ownership of legal relevance? n Entity is „bound to pass on the income“ (Indofood): No beneficial ownership?

8 Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law 8 Conclusion n Legal basis for treaty entitlement: Art 4 par 1 OECD Model Convention n Broad interpretation of Art 4 par 1 OECD Model is convincing n Relevance of term „beneficial ownership“ should not be overemphasised

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