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Physical Development One to Three. Toddlers What is a toddler? Where does this name come from?

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Development One to Three. Toddlers What is a toddler? Where does this name come from?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Development One to Three

2 Toddlers What is a toddler? Where does this name come from?

3 Weight Slower in this period than among babies Gain ½ pound per month Less than half the average monthly weight gain during 1 st year One year: 22.5 lbs Two years: 27.7 lbs Three years: 32.4 lbs

4 Potato Sacks Carry 2 potato sacks How easy is it? Could you eat or talk on phone How is carrying a child less difficult? More difficult?

5 Height Slow by about half One year: 29.8 inches Two years: 34.0 inches Three years: 37.7 inches

6 Heredity and Environment Influence on height and weight more noticeable during this time. After 1 st birthday: show greater variation in size. Differences will probably continue throughout life… tall 2 year old=tall adult

7 Proportion and Posture Posture improves Until two: head, chest, abdomen measure same and grow at same rate Between 2-3: chest becomes larger than head and abdomen. Arms, trunk and legs grow rapidly: helps improve balance and motor skills

8 Proportion and Balance By 2: stands straighter but abdomen still protrudes and head forward, knees/elbow bent By 3: posture more upright ‘ Spine has strengthened and baby fat is lost

9 Checkpoint How does growth of head, chest, and abdomen change between 1 and 3? How does the infants proportions and posture interfere with walking?

10 Teeth One year olds: 8 teeth Second year: 8 more teeth Third year: last 4 back teeth 20 primary teeth!

11 Teeth Influenced by diet Mother and baby Dairy products are important Tooth decay: – Avoid sweets (candy, cereal) – Don’t put child to bed with bottle (unless water)

12 *Issues in Health* Alarming number of infants by age 9 months whose front teeth are so decayed from “bottle syndrome” that nerve treatment and crowns are required. Apple juice is the most common culprit

13 Motor Skills Head to foot Near to far Simple to complex Hand skills (simple to complex)??

14 Large Motor Skills Use and control of large muscle of back, legs, shoulders and arms. Examples??

15 Small Motor Skills Use and control of finer muscles of wrists, fingers and ankles Examples??

16 Checkpoint Think about a child dressing in a pair of pull on pants and a short sleeved shirt with buttons? Large motor skills? Small motor skills?

17 Developmentally Appropriate Tasks suitable for child given age and interests

18 Activity Page 354 and 356 Create pyramid and blocks with motor skills for your notes.

19 Activity You are now the director a child care center and must come up with developmentally appropriate activities for the following four children (include 3 large motor skills activities and 3 small motor skills activities) 2 one year olds A 2.5 year old 4 year old

20 Large Motor Skills Physical exercise and practice promote development Improvement is slow by steady

21 Age 1-1.5 Walking improves Slides down stairs backwards Stoops to pick up toys

22 Ages 1.5-2 Runs well Stands on one foot Walk stairs holding on using both feet Throws objects overhand

23 Ages 2-2.5 Walks great Climbs Jumps off bottom step Pushes self on wheeled toys

24 2.5-3 Runs but doesn’t stop smoothly Alternates feet going up stairs not down Throws ball overhand Kicks balls

25 3 to 4 Jumps up and down Walks on tiptoes Rides tricycle Catch ball with straight arms

26 Small Motor Skills Between 1-2 feed themselves and drink from cup Poor hand eye coordination causes many spills Two year olds show improved dexterity: skillful use of hands/fingers

27 Ages 1-1.5 Turns several pages of book Picks up small objects with thumb and forefinger scribbles

28 Ages 1.5-2 Buttons large buttons Pulls down zippers Doorknobs Stack blocks

29 Ages 2-2.5 Turns book pages one at a time Strings large beads Builds towers of 6 blocks

30 Ages 2.5-3 8 block towers Horizontal and vertical lines Screws lids on and off containers

31 Ages 3-4 10 block towers Cuts with scissors Recognizable pictures Fork and spoon with minimal spilling

32 Activity You are now the director a child care center and must come up with developmentally appropriate activities for the following four children (include 3 large motor skills activities and 3 small motor skills activities) 2 one year olds A 2.5 year old 4 year old

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