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Dynamic Creation and Management of Runtime Environments in the Grid Kate Keahey Matei Ripeanu Karl Doering.

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Presentation on theme: "Dynamic Creation and Management of Runtime Environments in the Grid Kate Keahey Matei Ripeanu Karl Doering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dynamic Creation and Management of Runtime Environments in the Grid Kate Keahey Matei Ripeanu Karl Doering

2 10/08/03Dynamic Runtime Environments in the Grid Overview l An execution in a Grid environment requires support for dynamic actions l Current state u Statically configured user accounts l Administrative burden l Statically created, do not reflect dynamically changing VO policies l We propose u Runtime environments l Dynamically created and managed l Leverage OGSI abstractions to implement them u Show how this concept can be applied l Planet Lab

3 10/08/03Dynamic Runtime Environments in the Grid Driving the Design l Requirements u Protection l User protection l Resource protection u Controlled resource usage l Fine-grain enforcement u Authorization u Audit l Objectives u Automating administration l Enables dynamic management u Formalizing creation and management l Enables a variety of underlying implementations based on need and availability (sandboxes, VMs)

4 10/08/03Dynamic Runtime Environments in the Grid Key abstractions l RTEFactory: creates RTE services u Creates both a service and underlying implementation u Invokes initialization/configuration procedures u Writes access policy l Currently simply gives the request initiator the right to use the account l Implemented in the GT3 gridmapfile l RTEService u Interface to the dynamically created runtime environment u Identified by a GSH u SDEs: l RTE_Implementation l Local name l Termination Time (with default settings) l RTE properties (currently: quota) u Termination implies account destruction and policy update u Using soft-state termination and defining termination semantics ensures that the account will be properly terminated

5 10/08/03Dynamic Runtime Environments in the Grid An Interaction Scenario User (1) DN (4) GSH local RTE implementation setuid (3) gridmapfile (5) GRAM (6) Request+GSH (2) RTESservice PEP RTEFactory Service PEP

6 10/08/03Dynamic Runtime Environments in the Grid PlanetLab l A testbed for a class of networked services u DHTs, CDNs, Fast data transfers, RONs, etc. l Deployed over 180 nodes, 70 sites, 5 continents l Allocation unit: a slice = a set of virtual machines, one at each node. Sounds like a good starting point for a Grid Services testbed! OS Slice N OS Slice N OS Slice N OS Slice N

7 10/08/03Dynamic Runtime Environments in the Grid So, what is missing? l Need to authenticate users and allocate resources independent of PlanetLab mechanisms. l No sharing between VMs on same node. Solution: Work within one slice: a GSLab user gets an account on each VM in GSLab slice. Also: show how GT3 can be used to manage PlanetLab resources. OS GSLab OS GSLab OS GSLab OS GSLab Management account GT3 Account 1Account 2

8 10/08/03Dynamic Runtime Environments in the Grid GSLab - Functionality l Manage user accounts across a set of VMs l Additional functionality provided to users: u Submit jobs to and login on these accounts u Create fresh, start, stop, restart GS containers across a set of accounts (scripts). u Deploy services in containers (more scripts).

9 10/08/03Dynamic Runtime Environments in the Grid GSLab - Overall architecture User RTEFactory Service 1. Request (user, RTE attributes) 2. Reply: credentials signed by AP (policy statement) 3. CreateRTE request (includes credentials obtained in step 2) 6. RTE lifetime expires 4. Extend RTE lifetime; change RTE parameters; destroy RTE  User authentication and authorization  Resource allocation  Monitoring and management of the testbed Admin Point (AP) Local nodes 0. Registration (soft-state) gsisshd 5. Login to user account; Scripts RTEService User RTE

10 10/08/03Dynamic Runtime Environments in the Grid Current Work and Status l Prototype implementation available u Dynamic accounts l u GSLab ( l Current work u Research l Exploring sandboxing and VMs l Relationship to WS-Agreement u Deployment l Offer GSLab as a service to the community: obtain account on GSLab for a short time

11 10/08/03Dynamic Runtime Environments in the Grid Conclusions l Were GS abstractions useful: yes l Lessons Learned u Expose GS containers as grid services. u Ability to deploy any service dynamically u Authorization service u Canonical form for GSH u GT3: more documentation, maturity

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