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1 Enterprise Service Bus Mojtaba Akbarzadeh Nov 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Enterprise Service Bus Mojtaba Akbarzadeh Nov 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Enterprise Service Bus Mojtaba Akbarzadeh Nov 2015

2 Agenda 2 Service Oriented Architecture About ESB ESB Architecture and Components ESB Features EIP Enterprise Integration Pattern A little example

3 Service Oriented Architecture 3

4 4 SOAP REST CORBA RPC RMI Database (SQL, NoSQL, Key-Value, …) Network Protocols(HTTP, FTP, TCP, POP, …) Service Protocols

5 5 XML JSON Java serialization Apache Thrift Apache Avro Google Protocol Buffers (protobuf) JAXB Serialization formats

6 Service Call Synchronous Asynchronous Blocking and Non-blocking 6

7 Service QoS Availability Performance Reliability Scalability Integrity Security 7

8 8 software architecture construct, which lives between the (business) applications and enables communication among them replace all direct contact with the applications on the bus reduces the number of point-to- point connections between communicating applications About ESB

9 Event handling - Guarantee event processing Protocol conversion - Transparently translate between communication protocols (e.g., HTTP, FTP, REST, SOAP, JSON, DCOM, CORBA, SAP RFC etc.) Mapping - Transfer between tabular data formats 9

10 About ESB Translation and transformation - Change data content based on rules Queuing and buffering - Handle differing data processing speeds between sender and receiver 10

11 ESB Architecture 11

12 Components 12 Service Layer JMS (ActiveMQ) Web Service CXF Kernel Layer LogDeploymentConfigurationSecurity Lifecycle Management Routing (camel) EIP (Camel) Transaction (JTA) Service RegistryService Orchestration Application Layer

13 Components 13

14 14 Forrester’s Weighting FuseSource IBM (WESB) MuleSoft Oracle Progress Software Red Hat Software AG Tibco Software WSO2 CURRENT OFFERING50%4.63.684.354.744.783.214.894.714.47 Architecture40%4.883.924.74.5852.94.8854.48 Orchestration10%532.555 544 Mediation20%3.893.774.144.764.273.984.694.634.75 Connection10%4.74.65 3.3354.64.26 Change and control20%4.522.994.4754.843.3754.64.49 STRATEGY50%3.483.12.784. Product strategy50% Strategic alliances10%1.853.8554553 Customer reference checks40%322332441 MARKET PRESENCE0%2.23.451.734.553.231.454.784.631.03 Installed base40%2.531.5531550.5 New customers30%22.52431551 Delivery footprint30%251.754.53.752.54.253.751.75

15 ESB Features Connecting Anything to Anything Minimal Custom Development, Developer Friendly and Easy to Deploy Routing, Mediation & Transformation Message, Service, API & Security Gateway High Performance, High Availability, Scalability & Stability Manage & Monitor 15

16 Routing, Mediation & Transformation Routing:  header based  content based  rule-based  priority-based Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP):  message filter, aggregator, splitter,..  recipient list  dead-letter channels  guaranteed delivery 16

17 Manage & Monitor Comprehensive management & monitoring Built-in collection and monitoring of standard access and performance statistics JMX MBeans for key metrics monitoring and management Flexible logging support with integration to enterprise logging systems Centralized configuration management 17

18 Auditing & Logging Centralized Auditing & Monitoring Capture any user action capture any user action Logging can be a very crucial aspect ESB is a distributed clustered set up where we have several applications We need to keep centralized application logs Asynchronous and None-Blocking Data publishing Receives and Stores Log Events in highly scalable and Big Data Repository Rich tool set for analytics Dashboards and reports 18

19 Before ESB Legacy Application 19 Cobol Application Enterprise resource planning ERP J2EE Call Center Application Java Application CRM Application.Net Application New Application

20 After ESB Legacy Application Cobol Application Enterprise resource planning ERP J2EE Call Center Application Java Application CRM Application.Net Application New Application Enterprise Service Bus Routing Messaging Security Connectivity Transformation Monitoring Management 20

21 ESB Nodes یک ESB مجموعه ‏ ای از نودها ( کانتینرها ) است که هر نود می ‏ تواند حاوی تعدادی سرویس فعال باشد. در واقع این مجموعه از کانتینرها تشکیل یک ESB می ‏ دهند. 21

22 Deployment 22

23 Deployment 23

24 24 What is Apache Camel Why do we need integration?  Your apps are build using different tech stacks  Critical for your business to integrate Why Integration Framework?  Framework do the heavy lifting  Focus on business problem  Not "reinventing the wheel"

25 80 Components 25

26 26 Data Formats from("activemq:QueueWithJavaObjects”).marshal().jaxb().to("mq:QueueWithXmlMessages");

27 27 DSL in multiple flavors Java from(A).filter(isWidget).to(B); Scala from(A) filter(isWidget) --> B /quote/product = ‘widget’

28 28 Enterprise Integration Patterns

29 29 A little example Goals  1) Pickup files from a directory  2) Make sure we only pickup 3 files per 30 seconds  3) Store into JMS queue  4) Listen on JMS queue  5) And upload file to FTP server

30 30 A little example Goals using Enterprise Integration Patterns Goals  1) Pickup files from a directory  2) Make sure we only pickup 3 files per 30 seconds  3) Store into JMS queue  4) Listen on JMS queue  5) And upload file to FTP server 12345

31 31 A little example Goals using Enterprise Integration Patterns Goals  1) Pickup files from a directory  2) Make sure we only pickup 3 files per 30 seconds  3) Store into JMS queue  4) Listen on JMS queue  5) And upload file to FTP server fromthrottletofromto

32 32 A little example Camel Route in XML DSL <throttle maximumRequestsPerPeriod="3" timePeriodMillis="30000”>

33 33 Where do I get more information?  Join the Mailinglist –  Try the IRC-room –  Use the Search Box  Checkout the Camel Articles –  Run Camel Examples – Q and A

34 34 Where do I get more information?  Camel in Action book: Q and A 40% Discount Code Use coupon code camel40 when ordering from Manning

35 35 Q and A ?

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