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TSR Comprehensive Project Overview 2015-2016. Project Implementation Dates Starts: September 1, 2015 Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Ends: July 31,

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Presentation on theme: "TSR Comprehensive Project Overview 2015-2016. Project Implementation Dates Starts: September 1, 2015 Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Ends: July 31,"— Presentation transcript:

1 TSR Comprehensive Project Overview 2015-2016

2 Project Implementation Dates Starts: September 1, 2015 Year 1: 2015-2016 Year 2: 2016-2017 Ends: July 31, 2017

3 TSR Mission The purpose of the Texas School Ready (TSR) Project is to provide an effective, research- supported, early childhood classroom model which prepares at-risk children to enter kindergarten at or above grade level.

4 Over 400,000 children and 20,000 teachers in the last 10 years Cumulative Participation in TSR since 2004

5 TSR 2015-2016 The TSR Project is currently in 26 communities across Texas and provides training and instructional coaching to approximately 1800 preschool teachers in Child Care, Head Start and Independent School Districts.

6 Three different models fit the needs of school administrators. TSR 2015-2016

7 Texas School Ready Components ●Curriculum and Materials ●Professional Development and Coaching ●Child Progress Monitoring

8 Curriculum and Materials State-approved curriculum Hatch Classroom Start-Up Kit Lakeshore School Readiness Kit P-RTI Kit (Developing Talkers)

9 Approved Curriculum List DLM Doors to Discovery DLM EC Express Frog Street Pre-K - Bilingual Frog Street Pre-K - English HighScope Preschool InvestiGator Club Let's Begin with The Letter People Opening the World of Learning Scholastic Big Day for PreK Bilingual Scholastic Big Day for PreK English Sopris West - We Can! Teaching Strategies System

10 Implement curriculum activities documented on written lesson plan Make lesson plan objectives evident, based on materials in the classroom Provide at least 3 hours daily cognitive instruction using the curriculum Provide large group, small group, and one-on-one lessons based on assessment results Maintain and inventory materials Curriculum Implementation Guidelines for Teachers

11 HATCH Start-Up Kit Contains classroom management materials designed to help teachers effectively organize and manage the preschool classroom.

12 HATCH Kit Includes Daily Schedule Chart Classroom Helpers Chart Attendance Chart Center Management System Classroom Rules Poster Letter Wall Cards Activity Transition Book Read Aloud Chart Classroom Environment Labels

13 School Readiness Kit Includes ●Written Expression Materials ●Letter Knowledge Materials ●Oral Language Materials ●Phonological Awareness Materials ●Mathematics Materials ●Science Materials

14 Developing Talkers

15 Lakeshore School Readiness Kit Contains a variety of books and materials used to support and enhance classroom instruction. Letter Knowledge Math Written Expression

16 All materials become the property of the school after the teacher remains in the targeted classroom for 2 years.

17 CLI - Engage eCIRCLE Professional development courses on effective instructional practices CIRCLE Activity Collection Scripted lessons tied to progress monitoring results Video-based Coaching Video-based, personalized instructional feedback and goal setting Professional Development Resources Data-Driven Instructional Tools CIRCLE Progress Monitoring User-friendly progress monitoring which gives teachers immediate feedback about a child’s progress and activities that will support further learning Classroom Observation Tools ●Classroom Environment Checklist ●Classroom Observation Tools for coaches ●Classroom Observation Tools for administrators

18 Professional Development Overview for Teachers in the TSR Project

19 CIRCLE Two-Day Preschool Early Language and Literacy including Mathematics Training A hands-on research-based training which provides preschool teachers with a 2-day overview of classroom activities and best practices that can be easily implemented in the classroom.

20 Best Practices and Social/Emotional Development Phonological Awareness Written Expression Language Development Book Reading Letter Knowledge and Mathematics CIRCLE Two-Day Preschool Early Language and Literacy including Mathematics Training

21 ●The training should occur between September - November ●Maximum of 35 participants per training ●The training is usually 2 consecutive days ●Teachers receive an English or Bilingual CIRCLE Manual ●Substitute Reimbursement to the site is available if requirements are met CIRCLE Two-Day Preschool Early Language and Literacy Including Mathematics Training Guidelines

22 Child Progress Monitoring is a systematic process used to document children’s developmental progress in the areas of early language, literacy and mathematics. Results from monitoring the individual progress of children are used to guide planning and instruction. All children who are 3-years-old as of September 1 st and older must be assessed. CIRCLE Assessment System - Progress Monitoring

23 DIRECT ASSESSMENTS OBSERVATIONAL ASSESSMENTS Vocabulary development Story retell & comprehension Book & print knowledge Letter recognition Letter-sound correspondence Phonological awareness Early science skills Early math skills Early social studies skills Early writing skills Social & emotional skills Approaches to learning Physical health & development CIRCLE Progress Monitoring

24 Child Progress Monitoring Timeline Progress Monitoring is completed three times during the year. BOY - Beginning of the year MOY - Middle of the year EOY - End of the year TSR coaches will provide dates for each of the assessment time points

25 eCIRCLE Professional Development CLI Engage Professional Development/ Training Person ResponsibleYear 1Year 2Year 3 eCIRCLE Training: 20 total sessions across each school year. Approximately 2 sessions face-to- face per month, 2 hours per session (ex. 4:00-6:00 every other Tuesday) TSR Field StaffYes No eCIRCLE Professional Development is a series of face-to-face, web-based, facilitated courses designed to provide teachers with a common experience, allowing for conversations and learning. The ongoing 2 hour sessions are focused on specific content areas designed to deepen content knowledge and build specific skills which will improve teacher practices.

26 ●Each session is 2 hours ●Classes consist of 10 to 25 teachers and one facilitator ●Classes occur face to face in a computer lab or training room, if using netbooks. Internet connection and projector are required. ●Teachers must attend at least 80% of eCIRCLE classes and complete 80% of assigned activities to be eligible for incentive pay ●Teachers are required to participate in online discussions between sessions ●Teachers are required to implement new strategies in the classroom eCIRCLE Professional Development Guidelines

27 Remote eCIRCLE Professional Development CLI Engage Remote eCIRCLE Professional Development is a series of web-based courses designed to provide teachers with a common experience, allowing for conversations and learning. The self-paced sessions are focused on specific content areas designed to deepen content knowledge and build specific skills which will improve teacher practices. Professional Development/ Training Person ResponsibleYear 1Year 2Year 3 eCIRCLE Training: 18 courses across 2 years. Scheduled 1 hr. webinars TSR Field StaffYes No

28 Year 1 Year 2 Classroom ManagementSetting the Stage for Children’s Talk Phonological AwarenessPreschool Response to Instruction Making the Most of Web ReportsDeveloping Talkers Building VocabularyScience Read AloudsWritten Expression Letter KnowledgeMath Social EmotionalSpecial Needs eCIRCLE Professional Development Courses

29 Professional Development/ Training Person Responsible Year 1Year 2Year 3 CoachingTSR Field StaffYes (4 hours per month) Yes (2 hours per month) Yes (1 hour per month) Coaching is a process where the TSR Field Staff provides in-class, individualized, one-on-one training and reflection opportunities for the teacher. The coach will: Actively coach the teacher in the many aspects of the teaching and learning process. Assist the teacher in using effective teaching strategies and proactive classroom management techniques. Encourage the teacher to implement new strategies through modeling, side-by-side coaching, instructional planning, etc. Encourage the teacher to reflect on current teaching practices and setting short term attainable goals. Face-to-Face Coaching

30 Professional Development/ Training Person Responsible Year 1Year 2Year 3 CoachingTSR Field StaffYes Remote coaching is carried out through the use of videos, online activities, and coaching calls. Coaches will provide feedback on videos submitted by teachers and coach the teacher through Skype or phone calls. Actively coach the teacher in the many aspects of the teaching and learning process. Assist the teacher in using effective teaching strategies and proactive classroom management techniques. Encourage the teacher to implement new strategies by providing annotated feedback, instructional videotaping examples and instructional planning, etc. Encourage the teacher to reflect on his/her teaching practices, while setting short term attainable goals. Remote Coaching

31 Classroom Environment Checklist (CEC) ●A list of factors in the early childhood classroom which support teachers in setting up an appropriate classroom learning environment Classroom Observation Tool (COT) ●Captures a snapshot of a teacher's instruction during a single classroom visit. It has been expressly created for use by coaches to guide their mentoring efforts with teachers. Short Term Goal Reports (STGR) ●Used to document teacher’s goals she is working to meet. Provides support for both teachers and coordinators during coaching visits. Coaching Tools

32 ●Social/Emotional Development ●Oral Language Use ●Phonological Awareness ●Math ●English Language Learners ●Print and Letter Knowledge & Pre-reading/Early Reading ●Progress Monitoring, Assessment & Lesson Planning ●Use of Technology ●Center/Independent Workstation Activities ●Read Alouds ●Written Expression ●Science Classroom Observation Tool Domains

33 The Texas Infant, Toddler, and Three-Year- Old Early Learning Guidelines were written to help child care providers and parents know what children should know and be able to do at different ages. The Guidelines list skills and abilities that young children might do at different ages, as well as activities that caregivers can do to support optimal development. The Guidelines are available to download in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese at: www.littletexans.orgTexas Infant, Toddler, and Three-Year- Old Early Learning Project Overview Recruited Infant and Toddler Teachers in TSR schools and communities will: Participate in ITELG training session (s) in a local community – Module 1: Orientation – Module 2: Physical Health and Motor Development – Module 3: Social and Emotional Development – Module 4: Language and Communication Development – Module 5: Cognitive Development Receive a copy of the ITELG Guide Infant, Toddler and Three Year Old Early Learning Guidelines: ITELGs

34 Coordinator/Coaches role: TSR Comprehensive Communities will: Host the ITELG training session (s) in their local community Recruit and train up to 80 participants (can host several sessions) Order ITELG guides at least 2 weeks prior to the training session (s) Complete sign-in sheets and return to CLI. Conduct all ITELGs trainings prior to July 31, 2016. All of the ITELG training materials can be accessed at: Infant, Toddler and Three Year Old Early Learning Guidelines: ITELGs

35 Beginning Education: Early Childcare at Home (BEECH) is an online professional development system for home-based childcare providers and toddler teachers developed by the Children’s Learning Institute at University of Texas Health Science Center. The system includes 20 sessions, each approximately one hour in length. Project Overview Recruited Family Child Care (FCC) Providers will: Participate in an Orientation held by the local lead agency/coordinator Complete the 20 online sessions Receive up to 20 hours of self-instructional training hours Participate in 2 calls with the local lead agency/coordinator Start-up will begin October 2015 Note: Some FCC providers may receive a BEECH School Readiness Kit (more information to follow). Beginning Education Early Childcare at Home (BEECH)

36 Coordinator/Coaches role: Beginning Education Early Childcare at Home (BEECH) Recruit ONLY Family Child Care Providers Conduct an Orientation for Family Child Care Providers to the BEECH Program Complete sign-in sheets and return to CLI. Assist with BEECH Roster collection Facilitate 2 calls Fall and Spring (using the BEECH Call Guides) Start-up will begin October 2015 Note: Some FCC providers may receive a BEECH School Readiness Kit (more information to follow).

37 The Children’s Learning Institute TSR Comprehensive Staff Contacts Pauline Monsegue-Bailey Statewide Project Manager 713-500-3840 Yingchu Velasquez TSR Finance Manager 713-500-3703 Linda D. Morgan-Dorsey Quality Assurance & Training Project Manager 713-500-3750

38 The Children’s Learning Institute TSR Comprehensive Staff Contacts Linda Aston Quality Assurance & Training Project Manager 713-500-3837 Miguel Gallegos Engage Project Manager 713-500-3788 LaShonda Y. Brown Special Projects Manager (BEECH, ITELGs, CDA)

39 TSR Program Managers Program ManagerCommunity Assignment Gina CorleyKilgore College Region 8, Region 5 Mary Ellen DouglasCCA, AVANCE, NTAUW, Region 14 Melissa PlyWS Capital, Hands On Learning, EOAC Waco, TMC Victoria Patricia Flores-CantuWS Cameron, PSJA, TMC Mc Allen, TMC Laredo, La Joya, WS South Texas, Rebecca Ramos-FisherFSA, ESC 2, Rhodes School, Houston ISD, Aldine ISD, Cheri SherleyAmarillo College, Midland College, YWCA Lubbock, Region 19-El Paso

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