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The Search Unit 6 Lesson 5 Sangre de Cristo Mountains.

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1 The Search Unit 6 Lesson 5 Sangre de Cristo Mountains

2 Word Knowledge Line 1 –breathing –listening –walking –cracking These words all contain the suffix-ing

3 Word Knowledge Line 2 –grabbed –stopped –slipped –running –getting Double the last consonant and add -ed or -ing

4 Word Knowledge Line 3 –what’s –didn’t –they’re –couldn’t –don’t –I’d Each of these words are contractions

5 Word Knowledge Line 4 –pepperoni –polka –ravioli –pizza –opera These word are of Italian and German orgin

6 Sentence 1 I slipped and fell as I was running down the sidewalk.

7 Sentence 2 I was breathing quietly and listening to that strange noise.

8 Sentence 3 What’s the use in looking if you don’t find anything?

9 Sentence 4 Alberto decided to order ravioli instead of pepperoni pizza for dinner.

10 Selection Vocabulary canyon ewe juniper mesa mesquite

11 “Then tell me, where are the sheep?” “Give me a chance. I saw across the river. Maybe fifteen, ewes and lambs.” How many baby sheep does an ewe have at one time? Ewe

12 –A female sheep

13 I slipped, grabbed at another bush. Slid a couple of feet, and then took off again. And then I landed. On my face. I landed in a whole piled up bunch of mesquite. Miguel tumbled down the cliff into the mesquite bushes which scratched his arms and legs. Mesquite

14 –Spiny trees and shrubs found in the southwest.

15 All I had to do was to get up there, on the mesa across the river, round up the bunch and march them back to where everyone could see. Climbing up the steep, cliff like sides of the mesa was hard, but once we reached the top, it was flat enough to lie down on. Mesa

16 –A flat topped hill will steep sides

17 It was steep in this place and wet and slippery with the rain, the stones high and smooth with nothing to grab on to except sometimes a juniper bush. My favorite site of the winter landscape was the juniper trees on the hill. Juniper

18 –Evergreen shrub or tree

19 This mesa spread out, as far as you could see, with many breaks, everywhere like little canyons and washes. Over the centuries, the river has cut a deep canyon with steep sides through the mountain rock. Canyon

20 –Deep, narrow valley with high steep sides

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