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亚热带常绿阔叶林结构对气候变化及其 区域水文效应的趋势性响应 周 国 逸 中国科学院华南植物园 2013 年 6 月 9-15 日.

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Presentation on theme: "亚热带常绿阔叶林结构对气候变化及其 区域水文效应的趋势性响应 周 国 逸 中国科学院华南植物园 2013 年 6 月 9-15 日."— Presentation transcript:

1 亚热带常绿阔叶林结构对气候变化及其 区域水文效应的趋势性响应 周 国 逸 中国科学院华南植物园 2013 年 6 月 9-15 日

2 一、气候变化及区域水文效应

3 气温及降水格局变化气温及降水格局变化 中国亚热带区域 鼎湖山地区

4 土壤水分与产水量土壤水分与产水量 中国亚热带区域 鼎湖山地区

5 二、亚热带常绿阔叶林成熟林 结构的趋势性变化

6 Figure 1 The relationship between the average DBH growth rate and DBH or the age of individuals ( 季风常绿阔叶林 ) ( 一 ) 季风常绿阔叶林

7 Figure 2 Age composition and temporal trends of different age groups. (a) Age composition and (b) temporal trends of different age groups

8 Figure 3 Changes in community parameters for individuals in the four DBH classes: (a) biomass; (b) number of individuals; (c) recruitment (above zero line) and mortality (below zero line) rates; (d) diameter growth rate. In (d), the slopes of the lines are 0.043, 0.041, -0.074, and -0.10 mm yr -2 for 1≤ DBH ≤ 5 cm, 5 20 cm, respectively. ↓, significant decrease; ↑, significant increase

9 Figure 4 Trends in mean DBH (D) for individuals in the four DBH classes and for the community as a whole: (a) simple arithmetic average; (b) DBH square-weighted average

10 Figure 5 Changes in community parameters for the four functional groups: (a) biomass; (b) number of individuals; (c) recruitment (above zero line) and mortality (below zero line) rates; (d) diameter growth rate. ↓, significant decrease; ↑, significant increase. S, shrub; ST, short tree; IT, intermediate tree; TT, tall tree

11 Fig. 7 Changes in the number of living, recruited, and disappeared species from 1978 to 2010 Figure 6 Changes in the number of living, recruited and disappeared species from 1978 to 2010

12 Figure 7 Spatial distribution of the 5 field stations and associated 14 permanently protected plots across China’s TEBF ( 二 ) 亚热带常绿阔叶林

13 Figure 8 Temporal trends of individual quantities in different DBH classes, functional groups and the total of the 14 permanently protected plots during 1978-2012. For comparison, all original data (n=81 in 14 plots) were standardized to the presented data with the average and standard deviation in each plot being zero and one, respectively

14 Figure 9 Compound temporal trends for the species quantities of different functional groups and the total of the 14 permanently protected plots during 1978-2012. For comparison, all original data (n=81 in 14 plots) were standardized to the presented data with the average and standard deviation in each plot being zero and one, respectively

15 Figure 10 Compound temporal trends for averaged individual DBH sizes in various DBH classes and all individuals of the 14 permanently protected plots during 1978-2012. Left column: arithmetic mean of DBH; Right column: square root of arithmetic mean of DBH2. For comparison, all original data (n=81 in 14 plots) were standardized to the presented data with the average and standard deviation in each plot being zero and one, respectively

16 Figure 11 Changes in the sap flow ratio as a function of DBH for (a) the ratio of mean sap flow from 11:00 to 15:00 to sap flow during the rest of the daylight hours (07:00 to 11:00 and 15:00 to 19:00); (b) the ratio of mean sap flow during the dry season to mean sap flow during the wet season ( 三 ) 第一层次机理

17 谢 谢 !谢 谢 !

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