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EPA National Pollution Prevention Update Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Pollution Prevention Division.

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1 EPA National Pollution Prevention Update Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Pollution Prevention Division

2 What is the P2 Div. Doing?  Implement the Pollution Prevention Act and Executive Orders  Current P2 Focus :  Administer P2 State Grants ($5 Million)  Support the P2 Resource Exchange (P2RX)  Promote Environmentally Preferable Products  Launching Supplier Partnership for the Environment  Support Hospitals for a Healthy Environment  PBT Program Initiative  Promote P2 Integration  Revising Strategic Plans and results measures

3 Revising Strategic Plan  Schedule  Five Goals: Air, Water, Land, Communities and Ecosystems, Compliance and Stewardship  P2 performance targets and measure  State results measures  TRI data  Data from Fed. Agencies on Executive Orders  GRI Reporting standards

4 Strategic Planning Challenges  Lack of National Data to show P2 results  EPA “stove-pipe” approach to planning  Insufficient number outcome result targets and measures  Stakeholder involvement in setting goals

5 How can we measure P2 Results?  Measuring program results is an agency priority  We need national p2 results data to demonstrate the successes of the P2 programs and to be able to compete for additional resources  Many good models for measurement exist  NEWMOA  Natl. P2 Roundtable Report  EPA Reg. 8  Global Reporting Initiative  Facility Reporting Program  State reporting  Sustainability indexes

6 Outlook for Federal P2 Funding  OPPT provides some funding directly to states to support P2 programs  OPPT Headquarters provides modest FTE and program dollars to EPA regions for P2 programs  Overall outlook for EPA resources is flat or declining  P2 programs need to better compete for a limited pot of resources  FY 05 budget formulation process begins this in April – we need state involvement in setting program priorities and identifying resource needs

7 Environmentally Preferable Products  Develop demand for greener products and services  Reduce government’s environmental footprint  Help meet environmental goals through markets rather than mandates

8 EPP Priority Areas  Implement Executive Order 13101 – EPP pilots and establishment of active Gov. procurement programs  Implement Executive Order 13134 and Farm Bill to procure biobased products  Current EPA focus is on cleaning products, electronics, green meetings, greening of EPA

9 EPP Tools  EPP Database  Identify and compare environmental attributes for key products and services from various information sources  Promising practices – case studies incorporating environmental factors into product and service contracts  Supporting development of voluntary standards  ASTM International Standards  Green Seal

10 Supplier Partnership for the Environment  New P2 Partnership between General Motors, EPA, NIST and Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP)  GM wants to reach their supply chain – improving suppliers footprint enables GM to reduce its footprint and cut costs  MEP provides technical assistance with the help of NIST to GM supply chain members  Goal to reduce emissions, hazardous and other wastes, energy consumption, water used, etc.

11 P2 Resource Exchange (P2RX)  Consortium of eight regional P2 info. Centers funded partly through EPA grants  Centers provide P2 info., networking opportunities, and other services to States  Goal is to improve the dissemination of P2 info.  Currently a solicitation notice for P2 Network Coordinator

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