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E Rising Star: Training for Process Managers in Three Parts 1.

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Presentation on theme: "E Rising Star: Training for Process Managers in Three Parts 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 e Rising Star: Training for Process Managers in Three Parts 1

2 Part 1: Introduction to Rising Star Part 2: Steps 1-6 Part 3: Information Corner 2

3 Note to presenters: (Do not show this slide.) Think of this PowerPoint as a slide deck from which you can pull slides to customize a training to your audience’s needs. For instance, experienced process managers probably won’t need to see Part 1. With some groups you may want to do steps 1-4 only and 5-6 with resources in another session. You may have a group that only needs to see steps 5-6 and resources. Please feel free to pick and choose as you please. 3

4 Rising Star: Learning the System to Improve School Effectiveness Purpose: to learn how to utilize the RS system to manage school improvement efforts Outcomes: By the end of the session participants will know how to: 1. enter information in the RS system for all six steps of the SI process; 2. plan a meeting and enter minutes; 3. access key resources and reports; 4. edit information already entered. 4

5 Part 1: Introduction to Rising Star A: The structure of Rising Star B: Helpful Tutorials 5

6 Continuous Improvement Comprehensive PlanningLearning EnvironmentConditions for LearningCommunity and FamilyEducator Quality Professional DevelopmentLeadership Teaching and LearningCurriculumInstructionAssessment 4CATEGORIES4CATEGORIES 8 ELEMENTS8 ELEMENTS 6

7 Comprehensive PlanningConditions for LearningCommunity and Family Professional DevelopmentLeadership Teaching and Learning CurriculumInstructionAssessment 8ELEMENTS8ELEMENTS 152 INDICATORS152 INDICATORS 48 Indicators11 Indicators9 Indicators6 Indicators15 Indicators3 Indicators46 Indicators14 Indicators 7

8 Indicators of Effective Practice All the indicators are research-based. They are: Guideposts for effective practice Plain language, behavioral (Who does what?) Aligned with research briefs (Wise Ways®) Drivers of planning and improvement 8

9 Indicators of Effective Practice All the indicators are research-based. 9

10 Helpful Tutorials 10

11 Part 2: Navigating the System A. Logging in B. Dashboard (“Lincoln” page) C. Main Menu – Set Up School Step 1 – Register School Step 2 – Provide School Information/ Assessment Scores Step 3 – Form School Team D. Assess, Create, Monitor Step 4 – Assess School Indicators Step 5 – Create School Plan Step 6 – Monitor School Plan 11

12 A: Logging in 12

13 A: Logging in Scroll to INDISTAR Click “Login” Enter Login Enter Password Click “Login” 13

14 A: Logging in 14

15 B. Dashboard: “Lincoln Page” 15

16 Main Menu: Set Up School 16

17 Step 1 : Register School 17

18 Step 2: Provide School Information 18

19 Step 3: Form a School Team 19

20 Assess-Create-Monitor 20

21 21

22 22

23 Step 4: Assess School Indicators 23

24 Step 4: Assess School Indicators 24

25 Step 4: Assess School Indicators 25

26 Step 4: Assess School Indicators 26

27 Step 4: No Development or Implementation 27

28 Step 4: Limited Development or Implementation 28

29 Step 4: Full Development or Implementation 29

30 Step 4: Assess School Indicators 30

31 Step 5: Create the School Plan 31

32 Step 5A: Define Objectives and Assign Tasks 32

33 Step 5B: Create Tasks 33

34 Step 5C: Describe and Assign Tasks 34

35 Step 6: Monitor School Plan 35

36 Step 6: Monitor School Plan 36

37 Step 6: Monitor School Plan 37

38 Step 6: Monitor School Plan 38

39 Part 3: Information Corner 39

40 Information Corner: Resources and Reports 40

41 Information Corner: Resources and Reports 41

42 Information Corner: Planning Meetings 42

43 Information Corner: Meeting Agendas 43

44 Information Corner: Meeting Agendas 44

45 Information Corner 45

46 Information Corner: Meeting Minutes 46

47 Information Corner: Coaching Comments 47

48 Information Corner: Where Are We Now? 48

49 Information Corner 49

50 Information Corner: Where Are We Now? 50

51 Practice!!! 51

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