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Thoughts by AUDU MAIKORI, ESQ Lawyer, entrepreneur and Idea -ologist

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Presentation on theme: "Thoughts by AUDU MAIKORI, ESQ Lawyer, entrepreneur and Idea -ologist"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thoughts by AUDU MAIKORI, ESQ Lawyer, entrepreneur and Idea -ologist
Creativity , Ideation and Innovation : as a sine qua non in today’s business culture Thoughts by AUDU MAIKORI, ESQ Lawyer, entrepreneur and Idea -ologist

2 The Beginnings… In the beginning the Earth was dark, without form and void And then God had an idea… And he (voiced his idea ) said “LET THERE BE light”….and there was LIGHT ! And He Said let US make man in our own likeness and our image After Man was made was when the Earth’s problems started…..

3 The Creativity Rules We were created to create What is creativity ?
The act of using inspiration ,ideas , innovation and collaboration to meet needs and wants Its in our DNA to create Co- Creation : when two or more are gathered – Adam and Eve were the first co- creators Entrepreneurs are creators Creators of Value Creators of solutions Problem solvers Service providers

4 The Rules of Creativity/Ideation
In the beginning the Earth was dark, without form and void Lesson 1 :Creators/entrepreneurs are solution providers, where there is a problem there is an opportunity to solve the problem, add value and earn money And then God had an idea… Lesson 2 : Ideas may either be borne out of necessity or my mere inspiration but key point is ideas lead to innovation And he voiced his idea and he said LET THERE BE light….and there was LIGHT – Lesson 3 : Ideas must be backed by words, and words backed by action Ideas/innovation ultimately aim at providing solutions to the problems (aka Darkness) in the world (business, society, and fields of human endeavor)

5 Ideas still light up the world!
Ideas lit up a dark world once Ideas still light up the world!

6 ..God Created WOMAN!!

7 Chocolate City Started off as an idea among 5 bored undergraduates of the UNIJOS. The problem was school was boring and not much was going on except education (which wasn’t the reason we were at university .. Or was it? These 5 undergrads diagnosed the problem and the solution was a mobile rave to be held weekly at the hottest spots in Jos The process of discussing, deliberating and arguing gave birth to Chocolate City – Co creation indeed occurred

8 Ideas Rule the world… Moved into Abuja as a Corper and met a boring Abuja with not real social activities The Solution : Guild of Artistes and Poets ( GAP ) was formed by co – creators Paul Okeugo and Audu Maikori GAP became a social and creativity hub for young minds and birthed GAP’s in Lagos, Kaduna and Jos. GAP helped highlight problems faced by the lack of proper establishments in the Northern part of Nigeria to help promote talent nationwide Chocolate City was then registered properly to begin to set standards- to be a local company with global standards Co- Creators- Yahaya Maikori and Paul Okeugo

9 The results of an idea and collaborators
one of the biggest entertainment companies across Africa Established presence in Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa Directly creating jobs for over 140 people and indirectly thousands of jobs Multi award winning company including global and Pan African prizes for Entrepreneurial impact in the creative industries Discovered and developed some of the biggest and most commercially successful Musicians in and around Africa Handle PR , brand and social media activations for multinationals across the country Built a record for strategic partnerships over the past 9 years from both local, international, etc

10 Points to ponder If you don’t have big money , you must have BIG ideas – Your ideas/innovation must solve a problem or anticipate future problems and proffer solutions Innovation/creativity/ideas and proper execution of the ideas are the difference between successful companies and not so successful ones In today’s world, astute companies and individuals must make the hunt for new ideas continuous and relentless. They need to understand that almost always the more ideas you can work with, the better. In fact, the more minds you can engage in the hunt for new ideas, the better. That should become part of our professional mantra- Note the Nigerian (Oga boss” syndrome is a draw back

11 In today’s world companies must regard any challenge as a unique opportunity to describe or construct an effective innovation solution, by engaging in collaborative arrangements, whether to enlarge their idea pool, control costs or ensure that projects got done on time. MusicRelief with ICT Companies They see co-creating new offerings in association with value-chain partners, either upstream (suppliers) or downstream (customers, or customers’ customers), as the smartest way to ensure a good idea’s acceptance and commercial success. This is further driven by the power that social media and ICT have placed in the hands of the consumers who are now both judge and jury in the court of business and therefore their buy- in increases the likelihood of your business’ success rate. The PIE - Increased productivity and efficiency in many cases are greatly increased by co- creation and ideation.

12 Have you co –created lately?
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