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European Explorers. Christopher Columbus  1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue.  Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria.  Searched for an alternate route to Asia.

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Presentation on theme: "European Explorers. Christopher Columbus  1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue.  Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria.  Searched for an alternate route to Asia."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Explorers

2 Christopher Columbus  1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue.  Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria.  Searched for an alternate route to Asia.  Discovered San Salvador, Caribbean.  Claimed the land for Spain.

3 Pedro Alvares Cabral  Sailed for Portugal.  Reached the shores of modern-day Brazil.  Claimed the land for his country.

4 Amerigo Vespucci  Italian who sailed for Portugal.  Traveled to eastern coast of South America.  Claimed the land was not part of Asia, but a “new” world.  Hence- America

5 Ferdinand Magellan  Portuguese explorer.  Took 250 men and 5 ships  Sailed around the southern tip of South America into the Pacific.  Explored Guam, Philippines  Magellan died in a local war  18 men and 1 ship arrived in Spain.  First to sail around the world

6 Hernando Cortes  Spanish Explorer  Shores of Mexico.  Followed by Conquistadors  Interested in wealth of Aztecs. Befriended Montezuma  Conquered Aztes. 1. Advanced weaponry 2. Aid for rival natives 3. Disease.

7 Francisco Pizarro  Conquistador  Founded Lima, Peru  Ambushed and crushed the Incans

8 Juan Ponce de Leon  Spanish Explorer.  Landed on coast of Modern-day Florida  Claimed the land for Spain

9 Fransisco Vasquez de Coronado  Spanish Explorer  Explored present-day Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas.

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