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Chapter 1 Section 4 Christopher Columbus- first European to set foot on American soil.

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1 Chapter 1 Section 4 Christopher Columbus- first European to set foot on American soil

2 Chapter 1 Section 4 continued Born in 1451 Mapmaker, trader, loved the ocean Went to Portugal for navigator’s training 1477- went to Iceland and Ireland Wants to travel to the Indies 1492- Spain- Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand give him the authority Reasons- Honor, economic motives, Spain vs. Portugal- rivals

3 Chapter 1 Section 4 continued 1492- three ships- Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria Very intelligent- avoided the Atlantic storms Problem- not enough food or water October 12, 1492- Pinta spotted land Headed home- Columbus received many honors New continent- Amerigo Vespucci- “America”

4 Chapter 1 Section 4 continued Columbian Exchange- transatlantic trade Peanuts, pineapples, tomatoes, cocoa, potatoes Europeans bring wheat, animals- cow, horse, firearms, wheel, axle, culture Native Americans devastated- diseases

5 Chapter 1 Section 4 continued 1494- Pope Alexander- Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Tordesillas Divided all lands not claimed by the Christians Line of Demarcation Spain- west Portugal- east- Brazil Plantations and cash crops Native Americans enslaved West coast of African- beginning of the slave trade

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