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THE EVOLUTION OF COMMUNICATION- INVENTIONS I.SPOKEN LANGUAGE – Why? Use of a referent To Survive by conveying ideas, emotions, & information (ex. Danger,

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Presentation on theme: "THE EVOLUTION OF COMMUNICATION- INVENTIONS I.SPOKEN LANGUAGE – Why? Use of a referent To Survive by conveying ideas, emotions, & information (ex. Danger,"— Presentation transcript:

1 THE EVOLUTION OF COMMUNICATION- INVENTIONS I.SPOKEN LANGUAGE – Why? Use of a referent To Survive by conveying ideas, emotions, & information (ex. Danger, food, clothing, shelter, & safety)

2 II. Written Language – Would you like to remember everything in the Library? REASONS: 1. Preserves knowledge. 2. More efficient, especially for sending messages. 3. Gave us history. 4. Allowed humanity to develop sustainable civilizations.


4 RESULTS OF THE PRINTING PRESS 1. Increased the speed of the written word to the common man on a cheaper basis. 2. Which led to the increase in the desire for education (teach me to read) and the increase in knowledge (discovering the ancient classics). 3. The increase in knowledge led to the “big push” in culture, otherwise known as THE RENAISSANCE-The Rebirth of Knowledge-for the Arts, Sciences, and Literature.

5 The Final Result of The Printing Press The Protestant Reformation 1. Better informed people paid attention to what was going on around them, including religion. 2. Fr. Martin Luther – Indulgences protest of 1517 & the “95 Theses”. 3. The beginning of the first Christian faiths outside the Roman Catholic Church.

6 IV. THE TELEGRAPH 1. Inventors & Dates – a. 1825 – William Sturgenon discovered the electromagnet. b. 1830 – Joseph Henry sent an electronic current over one mile to activate an electromagnet which caused a bell to strike. 2. Samuel Morse (1835) proved the use of sound signals to represent letters to form worded messages. * Worked with Congress to have the first telegraph line constructed from Washington D.C. to Baltimore, Maryland in 1838 3. First time the “barriers of time and space” were broken. *Useful was truly proved during the Civil War.

7 V. The Telephone 1. Alexander Graham Bell (March 10, 1876) Why? He was looking for a cure or aid. His wife and mother were both deaf. 2. Continued to break the “barrier of time and space”, but now, VOICE and SOUND have been added. You could now “talk with electricity”.

8 VI. RADIOTELEGRAPH – invented by Nikola Tesla (1892) 1. Wireless communication was improved on during the 1910’s and 20’s, especially for war and entertainment. 2. 1906 the human voice was transmitted by radio. 3. By 1935 using wire and radio circuits, the first phone call was made around the world. 4. Continued to break “the barriers of time and space”, but now, the voice and sound are reaching hundreds, and thousands, and millions of people at the same time – MASS COMMUNICATION.

9 VII. TELEVISION-1907 the Cathode Ray Tube was invented by V. Zworykin 1. 1924-1927 Jenkins and Baird of Scotland transmitted silhouette images. 2. 1929 The FRC issued the 1 st TV license (W3XK). 3. The first “real” use showed up at the Chicago World’s Fair in 1939 for the general public. 4. TV, as a business, took hold by 1948, but thanks to “I Love Lucy” and “The Milton Berle Show” in 1951, it became a strong commercial enterprise and competition for movies. 5. TV was Mass Communication at it’s best – vocal, verbal, and nonverbal (NOW WE CAN SEE IT!).

10 VIII. Satellite 1. Sputnik by the Soviets in 1957 scared the U.S. *U.S. launched our first successful satellite in 1960 - Delta 2. Satellite communication uses A-Line-a-Site developed by AT&T for the use of its TELSTAR and RELAY launched in 1962. 3. Encompasses the entire world and other worlds (ex. 1969 Moon landing).

11 IX. Wireless Telephone – The very early Cell Phone: Cooper & broadcasting frequencies 1947-1977-1982 AT&T w/ Bell Labs ( in your hand). X. THE INTERNET (1969) – originally known as ARPANET. The original plan was to connect all U.S. military computers in order to survive a nuclear attack. *Developed the internet protocols that we use today (http:) 1. With the help of UCLA and Stanford U., 1972, access to all known knowledge with the whole world on a real time basis – global communication (www.) by 1994 through the use of the PC. 2. First, the use of telephone land lines – the modem 3. Second, the use of the wireless (router) for the computer internet

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