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A Growing Country, Growing Problems Hand in Ch 7 GR Packet Prepare for notes.

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Presentation on theme: "A Growing Country, Growing Problems Hand in Ch 7 GR Packet Prepare for notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Growing Country, Growing Problems Hand in Ch 7 GR Packet Prepare for notes

2 Weak National Government  Foreign Affairs  Armed Forces  Borrow Money  Issue Money  Lacked –Regulate Trade –Force military Service –Impose taxes –Raise money

3 The States  Had most of the power under Articles  Could deny requests by the Central Gov’t  Semi-Autonomous

4 Under the Articles of Confederation  Congress was 1 vote per 1 state  9 in favor to pass law  13 in favor to amend articles  Very Difficult to get anything done  Why would the new nation create such a weak government?


6 After Independence  Articles of Confederation approved in 1781

7 Growth  Proclamation of 1763 gone  Westward Settlement begins  Central Government to sell land for revenue.


9 Jefferson’s Idea  Divide into self governing districts  Certain population = petition for statehood



12 Ordinance of 1785  Procedure for dividing and selling land  Township  6mi x 6mi / 36 sections of 640 Acres  Sold at 1 acre per 1 dollar

13 Statehood?

14 Northwest Ordinance  1787  Single District N of Ohio and E of Mississippi  60,000 could become a state  No Slavery  Law protecting rights –Trial By Jury –Freedom of religion


16 Work  Update your Articles of Confederation Worksheet from yesterday to include todays information  Western Land Claims Map Activity –Use maps on front table

17 Critical Thinking Activity  Create a Mind Map –Topic “Articles of Confederation” –Create and demonstrate connections between material and topic –Show relationships

18 Vocab Sheet Activity  217 / glossary

19 The Township System  Enrichment Activity 7-1

20 Warm Up  Prepare for Notes

21 Troubles with the Articles of Confederation

22 Land Sales Good, Other Problems Bad!  Foreign Problems  Money Problems  Economic Problems  Trade Problems

23 Foreign Problems  England  Failure to meet terms of Treaty of Paris 1783  Spain  Closed Mississippi

24 Unfair Trade  Britain closed West Indies to colonial trade  Customs duties source of money for Nat. Govt.

25 Money Problems  Debt  How, under the Articles of Confederation could the National Government run into money problems?

26 Economic Depression  Inflation – What is Inflation?  Slow economic activity  Unemployment up

27 Economic Depression  Crops in the South damaged  Most governmental money went to debt payments  Shortage of hard currency

28 Tough Times for Farmers  Many states taxed farmers  Farmers unable to pay  Lost farms and went to jail

29 1786 - Shay’s Rebellion  Capt Daniel Shays  Western Massachusetts  Jefferson on the revolt - “A little rebellion now and then is a good thing.”

30 Weaknesses of the Articles  Ineffective national government  States too powerful –Clashes between the states  Economic Depression

31  Why did we create a National Government that was so weak?  Were the states too powerful? Were they responsible for many of the issues?

32 Call for Change  Led By: –Alexander Hamilton – Lawyer –James Madison – Planter / Lawyer  Revise the Government!

33 The Annapolis Convention  Lack of ability to regulate commerce  States taxing each other unfairly

34 Its Time to Meet!  Constitutional Convention – May 1787

35 CT Northwest Territory

36 Illustrated Problems with the Articles  Grab a blank piece of paper, and in separate cells, illustrate the problems of the Articles of Confederation  Use color, and label each cell with what the problem

37 Writing Activity  Assume the role of James Madison:  Write a letter to a fellow politician urging them to meet to discuss the problems of the Articles of Confederation  Must be a 3 paragraph persuasive piece and include facts from our discussions of the Articles of Confederation


39 Vocab Activity  Complete for HW Due Wed 10/14  CONSTITUTION PERMISSION FORMS IN!

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