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Chapter 6 Motivation 組員 林士庭 張祖華 葉晉瑋 王少甫 張偉德 ( 順序依發音排列 )

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6 Motivation 組員 林士庭 張祖華 葉晉瑋 王少甫 張偉德 ( 順序依發音排列 )"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6 Motivation 組員 林士庭 張祖華 葉晉瑋 王少甫 張偉德 ( 順序依發音排列 )

2 Motivation in organization Components of Motivation 1.Arousal 2.Direction 3.Maintenance Three Key Points About Motivation 1.Motivation and job performance are not synonymous. 2.Motivation is multifaceted. 3.People are motivated by more than just money.

3 Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory 5.Self- actualization 4.Esteem needs 3.Social needs 2.Safety needs 1.Physiological needs

4 Alderfer's ERG Theory  Growth needs  Relatedness needs  Existence needs

5 Managerial Applications of Need Theory  Promote a healthy workforce.  Provide financial security.  Provide opportunities to socialize.

6 Goal Setting Theory  The theory according to which a goal serves as a motivator because it causes people to compare their present capacity to perform with that required to succeed at the goal.

7 Distributive Justice: Equity Theory  Overpayment  Underpayment  Equitable

8 Basic Elements of Expectancy Theory  Expectancy.  Instrumentality.  Valence.  Combining all three types of beliefs.  Other determinants of job performance.

9 Managerial Applications of Expectancy Theory  Clarity people’s expectancies.  Administer rewards.  Clearly link valued rewards and performance.

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