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ERCOT Financial Summary Fiscal Year 2003. 2 ERCOT Financial Snapshot Preliminary - Unaudited.

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Presentation on theme: "ERCOT Financial Summary Fiscal Year 2003. 2 ERCOT Financial Snapshot Preliminary - Unaudited."— Presentation transcript:

1 ERCOT Financial Summary Fiscal Year 2003

2 2 ERCOT Financial Snapshot Preliminary - Unaudited

3 Fiscal Year Results of Operations ($ Millions) Notes: Revenues – include interest income Total expenses – include interest expense Preliminary - Unaudited

4 Fiscal Year Cash Flow Summary ($ Millions) Note: Cash balances include QSE security deposits and TCR auction revenues Preliminary - Unaudited

5 Key Statistics Preliminary - Unaudited

6 Key Statistics Preliminary - Unaudited

7 Revenue $95 million year-to-date $7.9 million monthly average $1.3 million (1.3%) unfavorable over the year MWH volume 1.6% below expectation $2.9 million collected from incremental $0.01 per MWH Preliminary - Unaudited

8 MWH by Month Preliminary - Unaudited

9 Operating Expenses $99.7 million year-to-date, including depreciation $8.3 million monthly average $62.8 million year-to-date, excluding depreciation $5.2 million monthly average $9.9 million (9%) favorable over the year Labor ($3.8 million) Contingency ($2.9 million) Consultants ($2.3 million) SW/HW license and support ($1.1 million) Preliminary - Unaudited

10 Headcount 380 of 400 on staff 84 FTE increase (net) in 2003 106 New Hires during 2003 22 Terminations in 2003 Preliminary - Unaudited

11 Summary of Personnel Preliminary - Unaudited

12 Summary of Employee Costs FY 2003 Actual ($000’s) FY 2003 Budget ($000’s) FY 2004 Budget ($000’s) Salaries & Wages$27,207$30,050$37,866 Salaries allocated to Capital Projects Benefits9,857 10,818 14,010 Other Expenses1,236 1,646 2,813 Total$34,955$39,874$47,857 Headcount (FTEs)380400530 Preliminary - Unaudited

13 FY 2003 Revenue Requirements 2003 Budget versus 2003 Actual Preliminary - Unaudited

14 Capital Expenditures $53.5 million of $70 million annual budget spent 62 “Priority 1 and 2” projects completed (many combined into 32 “releases”) Major projects completed Disaster Recovery ETS Phase 2 Texas Set 1.5 BULs Blocked Deployment Oracle 9iAS Upgrade Preliminary - Unaudited

15 Capital Investment $244 million invested over four year period 2000-2003 $189 million - hardware and software systems Net Book $120 million (accumulated depreciation $69 million) $49 million – buildings, leasehold and land Net Book $42 million (accumulated depreciation $7 million) $6 million - equipment, furniture and fixtures Net Book $3 million (accumulated depreciation $3 million) $60 million planned for 2004 Preliminary - Unaudited

16 Capital Investment Preliminary - Unaudited

17 Outstanding Debt Senior Notes Principal outstanding: $150,000,000 Interest rate: Coupon rate 6.17% (effective rate 6.3%) 2003 interest expense: $8,713,000 Term: 12 years, with $ 13,637,000 payable annually beginning May 2004 ( average life of 7 years) Final payment due: May 2014 Issue date: May 15, 2002 Preliminary - Unaudited

18 Available Debt Revolving Credit Facility Principal: Up to $50,000,000 (none outstanding at 12/31/2003) Interest rate: LIBOR + 45 basis points or Prime Term: 364-day agreement (matures April 30, 2003) Issue date: May 1, 2003 Preliminary - Unaudited

19 2003 Significant Events QSE bankruptcies ENRON/TCE/PG&E/Mirant QSE credit issues Litigation Texas Nodal 2004 Fee Filing

20 QSE Credit Preliminary - Unaudited

21 ERCOT Security December 2003 vs December 2002 Preliminary - Unaudited

22 ERCOT QSE Short Payments Preliminary - Unaudited

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