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Status of the Matter 1. A Knowledge Gap - What is Understood (scientists) - What is Known (public/policymakers) 2. The Climate Crisis - Climate Inertia.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of the Matter 1. A Knowledge Gap - What is Understood (scientists) - What is Known (public/policymakers) 2. The Climate Crisis - Climate Inertia."— Presentation transcript:


2 Status of the Matter 1. A Knowledge Gap - What is Understood (scientists) - What is Known (public/policymakers) 2. The Climate Crisis - Climate Inertia  Pipeline Effect - Positive Feedbacks Predominate Danger:Tipping Point  Different Planet 3. Good News in Bad News: Opportunity - Must Keep CO 2 & Pollution Low - + Health, Agriculture, Environment!

3 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Time (Ma) 5 Global deep-sea foraminifera 18 O isotope records from 40 sites. Temperatures apply to ice-free state, i.e., before Antarctic glaciation (~35 Mybp). Dashed blue bars are times of ephemeral ice or ice sheets smaller than at present. Solid bar indicates ice sheets of modern or greater size.


5 Jakobshavn Ice Stream in Greenland Discharge from major Greenland ice streams is accelerating markedly. Source: Prof. Konrad Steffen, Univ. of Colorado

6 Mt. Graham Red Squirrel


8 Outline of Solution 1. Coal only in Powerplants w Sequestration Phase-out old technology. Timetable TBD 2. Stretch Conventional Oil & Gas Via Incentives (Carbon tax) & Standards No Unconventional F.F. (Tar Shale, etc.) 3. Reduce non-CO 2 Climate Forcings Methane, Black Soot, Nitrous Oxide 4.Draw Down Atmospheric CO 2 Agricultural & Forestry Practices Biofuel-Powered Power-Plants

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