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Tamizh Quiz 1.0 Finals Quizmaster Harish S.

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1 Tamizh Quiz Finals Quizmaster Harish S

2 Round One Infinite Pounce Clockwise On Pounce: +20/-10
Part points and Brownie points at QM discretion

3 Q1 The event X marked the freedom of 30 crore slaves.
The event was first reported on air the next day by Y in his trademark style. He also translated a world famous speech to tamizh on his report. His thoughts after the report “As a news reader I am not supposed to feel any lump on the throat at all. So, I controlled my feelings till I finished the bulletin. Later I cried with joy” Y was also known for his remarkable performance and dialogue delivery in plays and films. He acted in popular movies like Moondraam Pirai, Thillu Mullu, Mahanadhi, Varumayin Niram Sivappu and Thamizhan ID X and Y. No part points.

4 Q1 X- Indian Independence Y- Poornam Viswanathan

5 Q2 Who is blanked out?

6 Q2 Hip Hop Aadhi

7 Q3 Kerala- Milma Bihar- Sudha AP-Vijaya Orissa-Omfed Rajasthan-Saras
Punjab-Verka Uttaranchal-Aanchal Tamilnadu-??????

8 Q3 Aavin

9 Q4 Whose ID tag?

10 Q4

11 Q5 Made in 1995, _____ came to Japan in At Cinema Rise in Tokyo's trendy Shibuya district, it attracted more than 127,000 viewers in a 23-week run, netting the theater about $1.7 million--its biggest gate of the year. "It was the 'Titanic' of the art theaters," says Atsushi Ichikawa, “_____'s" Japanese distributor. "Forget about the recession," urged a flier for “_____." "Forget about the millennium. Get rid of your worries... This is the first page of a pleasant dream that will continue for the rest of your life." Japan's masala fascination began in 1996 at a video shop in Singapore's Little India. Japanese film critic Jun Edoki, visiting the store, asked a clerk to recommend a sampling of Indian movies. _____ was among the films he carried back to Japan, and when Edoki sat with his wife to view it in Tokyo, they were mesmerized. "It was absolutely fascinating--even without subtitles," he recalls. "We became addicted to the point where we had to see at least part of the film at least once a day. So far, nearly 500,000 Japanese have paid to see _____ either on the big screen or on video. It premieres on satellite television in June. Newsweek reported that X, the male lead in “_____" has supplanted Leonardo DiCaprio as Japan's trendiest heartthrob . ID X and FITB.

12 Q5 X-Rajinikanth Film: Muthu

13 Q6 The ‘immortal’ X is in love with a ‘golden angel’. Physically separated, and economically downtrodden, their love is full of problems. The litmus test of their love comes when X is held hostage at a place far from home. But X literally ‘rises up’ for his love and walks miles to reach out to his golden angel. Said to be as the tale of human survival spirit, critics find similarities of it with a tale of rose named Y. X and Y enadhu? Hint: This is a movie question.

14 Q6

15 Q7 Quote Unquote: “I started when I was six. My mother taught me. I joined the club in India and we moved to the Philippines for a year. And there they had a TV program that was on in the afternoon, one to two or something like that, when I was in school. So she would write down all the puzzles and in the evening we solved them together. So we solved all these puzzles and sent in our answers together. And they gave the prize of a book to the winner. And over the course of many months, I won so many prizes. At one point they just said take all the books you want, but don't send in any more entries.”

16 Q7 Vishwanathan Anand

17 Q8 The existence of the band X was secret until May 2011.Mick Jagger, English musician and the lead vocalist of rock band The Rolling Stones, announced its formation on 20 May 2011. The name of the band is said to be inspired by Muhammad Ali. The group began recording their self-titled debut album in early 2009 at a studio in Los Angeles. They recorded about 35 hours of music, with some songs originally lasting "an hour and 10 minutes" before they were whittled down. Mick Jagger sings in Sanskrit on "Satyameva Jayathe” Band members Dave Stewart – Lead Guitar Mick Jagger – Vocals, Guitar & harmonica Damian Marley – Vocals & Programming Joss Stone – Vocals. Y – Piano, synthesizers, continuum fingerboard, Vocals, Drum programming Give me X and Y.

18 Q8 X-Superheavy Y-AR Rahman

19 Round two Minimalist Lyrics 5 Questions. Take Chances.Make Guesses.
Write down the answers in the sheet provided. 10 points for each right answer plus 10*(No.of teams that didn’t answer) points No negs

20 Minimalist Lyrics Sample

21 Minimalist Lyrics 1)

22 Minimalist Lyrics 2)

23 Minimalist Lyrics 3)

24 Minimalist Lyrics 4)

25 Minimalist Lyrics 5)

26 Answers Exchange your sheets.

27 Minimalist Lyrics 1)

28 “Aayiram Sooriyan Suttalum” aka
“Nenje Ezhu” - Mariyaan

29 Minimalist Lyrics 2)

30 “Neruppe sikki mukki neruppe”
-Vettaiyaadu Vilayaadu

31 Minimalist Lyrics 3)

32 “Paramasivan kazhuthilirunthu paambu ketadhu”

33 Minimalist Lyrics 4)

34 “Nirpadhuve Nadapadhuve Parapadhuve”

35 Minimalist Lyrics 5)

36 “Thenpaandi Seemaiyile”

37 Round Three Infinite Pounce Anti-Clockwise On Pounce: +20/-10
Part points and Brownie points at QM discretion

38 Q1 All old Tamizh documents used to carry X in the manuscripts. The reasons for the usage of X is generally attributed to: 1) A way to indicate the day (like we write the date on top left/right of our pages), but later lost the numerals. 2)Attributing it to the Lord , implying the day belongs to the Lord, and it will hence be good. The most widely accepted reason is: Using X helped people identify good palm leaves to write on. The ones on which they couldn't draw the ‘X' comfortably were discarded. This habit persisted and is still followed as a tradition albeit without any specific use. X? And why using X helps identify good palm leaves to write?

39 Q1 Pillayar Suzhi With the curves and lines represented in the Pillayar Suzhi, we can write any Tamizh alphabet.

40 Q2 Researches in Applied Linguistics suggest that Tamizh and Japanese are similar in more ways as they belong to the same Ural Altaic language group. Researches also suggested that Tamil and Japanese cultures too have several things in common. One cited example is the chanting of ‘honga honga’ during the Japanese harvest festival Ko Shogatsu. What is the similar Tamil Chant?

41 Q2 “Pongalo Pongal” FYI Ko Shogatsu is celebrated on January 14 as well!

42 Q3 Connect.

43 Q3 Vaaranam Aayiram 10 verses in Naachiyaar Thirumozhi written by Aandaal is called Vaaranam Aayiram Surya’s Vaaranam Aayiram contains a scene where the first verse of the poem is recited in the last scene of the movie. Vaaranam means elephant

44 Q4 According to legend, there was a ruler who once went on a hunting expedition. After a long day, he felt remorse as he realized the futility of hunting. His minister suggested that he take to singing instead and spreading the message of peace as a pastime. The enthusiastic king wanted to start straightaway and the minister suggested that he use a bow and arrow to create rhythms. And he followed his advise. What is this incident considered the origin of?

45 Q4 Villu Paatu

46 Q5 The following is an excerpt from Contemporary Engineering Sciences, Vol. 2, 2009, no. 10, Abstract : Wideband speech signals of the _______of 3 males and 3 females were coded using an improved version of Linear Predictive Coding (LPC).The sampling frequency was at 16 kHz and the bit rate was at bits per second, where the original bit rate was at bits per second with the help of wave surfer audio tool. The quality of the performance is exhibited through the block diagram voice coder. In the last section, the tradeoffs between the bit rate for a plain LPC vocoder and the bit rate for a voice-excited LPC vocoder with DCT is analyzed.

47 Q5 Experimental Results:
The variation of the Spectrum section plot in LPC is measures for the _________ is analyzed with the following • Analysis type: LPC • Analysis order: 20 • Speech signal bandwidth B = 8 kHz • Sampling rate Fs = Hz (or samples/sec.) • Channel: All • Window type: Hamming • Window length (frame): 512 points (20ms) • Number of predictor coefficients of the LPC model=18 The conclusion of this analysis was: It is observed from voice excited LPC with Wavesurfer tool, there is a variation in magnitude of the _______ among different people. To strengthen the results, more samples could collected from TamilNadu, Srilanka and Malasiya in future.

48 Q5 Waveform of ____________ Spectrum of __________ FITB.

49 Q5 This is the speech processing of the tamizh letter ‘zha’ with LPC

50 Q6 One Mr.Sabapathy informed his fiancee Indrani that he has invented something,which will reduce the time & effort spent on some daily chores considerably. As promised, he gave her the Gift after the marriage. His Invention was an immediate hit in his locality. Sabapathy and his brother Shanmugam, were also running a Film Projector service shop at NH Road,Coimbatore in late 1950s. He started a business of mass production of his invention as well. Coimbatore became a hub for production of this item after that. What was that invention ??

51 Q6 Coimbatore Wet Grinder

52 Q7 Ek Tha Jungle is an animated TV series aired on Disney Channel. The 11 minutes each animal fables are laced around strong ethics and family values with a moral that is applicable to the present and future generations. The show is modeled on a literary work _______. Accel animation studios head had this to say about the show:”The biggest Challenge in entertaining children lies in content. While there are a lot of stories from the west, we wanted to offer Indian content with universal appeal. _______is an international subject and it is not for adults alone. Like Aesop’s fables and the Panchatantra tales, the ______ too can be used to entertain children since they love conflict and its resolution.” FITB.

53 Q7 Ulaga Podhumarai

54 Q8 X is a unique kind of Tamil Poetry constructed such that the last word of each verse becomes the first word of the next verse. Usually written in praise of the Lord, this unique form of poetry truly makes a garland of verses. X?

55 Q8 Andhaadhi

56 Round Four Pick your poison 6 topics for 6 teams
Team with lowest points will get to choose first and so on. +30/-10 points for answering straightaway. +20/0 points for answering after a hint. Questions won’t be passed. If unanswered, it will go as an audience question.

57 வேண்டப்பட்ட விரோதி! (Pick Your Poison!)
Literature Movies Political Techie Quote Unquote Etymology

58 Movies Q1 Ellis R. Dungan (11 May December 2001) was an American film director, who was well known for working in Indian films, from 1936 to 1950.He was an alumnus of the University of Southern California and moved to India in 1935. Dungan had no knowledge of Indian languages, a problem which never affected his career as a director of films in Indian languages. He introduced many new techniques to Indian cinema despite the technical limitations of that period. Many of his movies were based on the mythical characters of the Hindu religion and he had to shoot them in Hindu temples where non Hindus were not allowed. Dungan filmed his movies in the temples by passing himself off as a Kashmiri pundit. Dungan is credited with introducing modern make-up, the mobile camera and cabaret dance numbers to Tamil Cinema and moving it away from the influence of stage plays. He is also credited with something that would be part of a historically significant milestone, one that would change the face and scenario of Tamilnadu for years to come. WHAT IS IT?

59 Movies Q1 He introduced MGR in Tamil Cinema by directing his first film Sathi Leelavathy

60 Movies Q2 The following verse from Thirumandhiram formed the inspiration of the title for a critically acclaimed movie dealing with love, spirituality and communism. “ X Y இரண்டென்பர் அறிவிலார் X Y ஆவதாரும் அறிகிலார் X Y ஆவதாரும் அறிந்தபின் X Y அமர்ந்திருந்தாரே!” The english translation is: “The ignorant think of X and Y as different. They don’t know that X becomes Y. After they realise that X becomes Y Then truly X sits as Y” XY Is the Movie title. Which Film?

61 Movies Q2 Main

62 Literature Q1 The following is a verse from Kurunthogai.
“கொங்குதேர் வாழ்க்கை அஞ்சிறை தும்பி காமம் செப்பாது கண்டது மொழிமோ பயிலியது கெழீஇய நட்பின் மயிலியல் செறியெயிற் றரிவை கூந்தலின் நறியவும் உளவோ நீ அறியும் பூவே” Originally written as a solution to a Riddle posed by a Pandya King Soodamanipandyan, the literary meaning and the implied conclusion of the poem came under severe criticism from a person X in the court of the king. The poem is also very special in the history of Tamil literature owing to its foreign authorship. ID X and the author of the verse.

63 Literature Q1 This is the poem given to Dharumi by Lord Shiva himself as a solution to the King’s riddle of “Does women’s hair have a natural fragrance?” implying yes as an answer. Came under criticism from X:Nakkeeran as he believed otherwise taking a firm stance claiming: “நெற்றிக்கண் திறப்பினும் குற்றம் குற்றமே”

64 Literature Q2 The poets X and Y are famous for their notorious word fights throughout their times. In one instance X pretended to ask a riddle to Y but humiliated her by using the word ‘dee’ in his question which is considered derogatory. The riddle is “Oru kaaladi Naalilai Pandhaladi” meaning “What has one foot and four roofs?” He had used the word “dee” as a pun to also mean the foot. Y knew of X’s intentions and answered” எட்டேகால் லட்சணமே எமனே றும்பரியே மட்டில் பெரியம்மை வாகனமே முட்டமேற் கூரையில்லா வீடே குலராமன் தூதுவனே ஆரையடா சொன்னா யடா? which meant “You disfigured beauty, You buffalo, You donkey-The mount of Moodhevi, you roofless wall, You monkey - the messenger for Lord Rama. How dare you address me like that?” and in the process of satiating her anger, also answered the riddle. X and Y yaaru? And also give me the anwer to the riddle.

65 Literature Q2 X-Kambar Y-Avvaiyaar The answer is “Aarai keerai” Main

66 Political Q1 “Tamil is us. Take a bow and try to know a little bit about the great language, culture, the history of their literature and the social upheavals they have passed through. You will wonder what kept you so distant from the wealth of knowledge and Indian-ness. No other society in India has passed through such turmoil as Tamils in the past one hundred years, and no other society has seen such unexplainable ignorance from other Indians about their pains and dreams. When I say Tamil, I speak for all Indian languages which are facing a ‘never before’ challenges due to the overwhelming and largely unwarranted influence of English. My Tamil friend lamented the other day that his kids can’t pronounce or recognise Tamil numerals. Newspapers are full of English words, some even use the Roman letters in their titles. Stories of Chola kings, Thiruvalluvar’s classical literature, MS Subbulakshmi’s divine music, tales of Tamil valour, scholarship, splendid achievements in arts and culture are read more by foreigners in Singapore in printed coffee table books than in ‘fast forward’ Tamil homes. Recognising Tamil is to salute and internalise that diversity with a vigour that secures India’s distinct civilisational colour. Say Vanakkam to Tamil and it will be instantly translated as a Vande Mataram to Mother India.”

67 Political Q1 That was an excerpt from a speech given by X. Gimme X.
X made history by becoming ‘the first person’ to do so by delivering this speech. What?

68 Political Q1 X-Tarun Vijay, Rajya Sabha MP from Utharkhand
He is the first person outside Tamilnadu to demand national status for Tamizh in Parliament.

69 Political Q1

70 Political Q2 Tamilnadu and Karnataka share a long history of disputes and strained relationships due to issues related to sharing of Kaveri water and Hogenakkal water supply power project. In 2009, the then Chief Ministers M.Karunanidhi and B.S.Yediyurappa came to a consensus and as an effort to bolster ties and signify goodwill between the two states, did something which was welcomed alike both by people and media. What?

71 Political Q2

72 Political Q2 Tiruvalluvar statue was unveiled in Ulsoor, Bengaluru by Tamil Nadu Chief minister M. Karunanidhi. Sarvajna statue has been unveiled in Ayanavaram park, Chennai by Karnataka Chief Minister B. S. Yediyurappa  Main

73 Techie Q1 பதிப்பி "வணக்கம், விதி விளையாட்டுக்கு வருக!" # ஒவ்வொரு முறை ஒரு புதிய விதை தேவை seed( *random() ) எண் = randint(1,100) # 10 வாய்ப்புகளை கொடுக்க வாய்ப்பு = 0 @( வாய்ப்பு < 10 ) வரை பதிப்பி "நான் என் எழில்மிக்க இதயத்தில் எண் [1-100] ஒன்று நினைக்கிறேன்" பதிப்பி "என்ன நான் நினைக்கிறேன் தெரியுமா?“ guess = உள்ளீடு ( "Guess/யூகிக்க >>" ) வாய்ப்பு = வாய்ப்பு + 1 #பதிப்பி ( எண் == guess ) #பதிப்பி எண் @( எண் == guess ஆனால் பதிப்பி "வாழ்த்துக்கள்! சரியான பதில்" exit(0) எண் < guess ) ஆனால் பதிப்பி "உங்கள் உள்ளீடு அதிகமாக உள்ளது" இல்லை பதிப்பி "உங்கள் உள்ளீடு குறைத்து உள்ளது“ முடி பதிப்பி "இன்னும் " பதிப்பி ( 10 - வாய்ப்பு ) பதிப்பி "வாய்ப்புக்குள் மீதமுள்ளன முடி" பதிப்பி "மன்னிக்கவும் : 10 வாய்ப்பு முடிக்க முடியவில்லை!“ exit( -1 ) This is a sample program. What is the name of this programming language?

74 Techie Q1 Ezhil

75 Techie Q2 The following is taken from a newspaper article.
"The other browsers that can be downloaded from the ______ site are a mix of English and the regional language. Our focus in Tamil Translation was to find the easiest possible translation for every English word on the browser, in Tamil," said Arun Prakash, an engineering graduate associated with the ______Tamil Translation team, in the article. In the Tamil  _______ , the options are "kopu" for file, "viruppangal" for preferences, and "nagal yedu" for copy, among others. "There is no need for a Tamil keyboard, as the keyboard shortcuts will be the same. Settings, history, tools or download instructions will be in Tamil, and the browser will lead you to the Tamil version of the website you are looking for, if one exists,“ What is blanked out? 

76 Techie Q2 Mozilla Main

77 Quote Unquote Q1 “I am not a very 'Tamil' person. I am not a big reader.  Thanglish was my medium of Instruction throughout my school.So my English is not that great too. I am not a poet.  Whenever some one asks me for a poem for a magazine, I tell them this. 'I am not a poet'. The instant question they ask is ‘Then how do you write lyrics?'  I find it extremely difficult to explain it to them that you need not be a poet to write lyrics.” Which famous lyricist said this?

78 Quote Unquote Q1 Madhan Karky
The name of his lyric engineering system is ‘Karky’

79 Quote Unquote Q2 "No sentence can begin with because because, because is a conjunction.”

80 Quote Unquote Q2 CN Annadurai Main

81 Etymology Q1 In his book "Entry from backside only: Hazaar fundas of Indian English" journalist Binu K John talks about a bridge in Mylapore area in Chennai whose original name was Hamilton Bridge. Today it is known as Barber bridge. As per the book, how did this metamorphosis happen?

82 Etymology Q1 Hamilton when transliterated to Tamil became Ammultan, then got corrupted to Ambattan which is Tamil for barber. Then finally got translated back to English, becoming Barber Bridge

83 Etymology Q2 This is a richly flavored soup, spiced with curry powder and served with a dollop of tangy sour cream. This curry flavoured soup is of Anglo-Indian origin, and its name translated literally from Tamil means “pepper water”, although the dish that Anglo-Indians call “pepper water” is closer to Rasam than this dish. Name the soup boys :P

84 Etymology Q2 Muligatawny Taken from the tamizh “Milagu Thaneer” Main

85 Tie Breaker or Audience Question

86 Food for thought Lord Macaulay’s address to the British Parliament on 2nd Feb 1835: “I have travelled across the lengths and breadths of India and I have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such caliber, that I do not think we would ever conquer this country unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage and therefore I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system,her culture,for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their self esteem,their native culture and they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation”


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