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Rise of the US as a World Power. Essential Questions How did the U.S. become a major world power? What is the connection between economics and foreign.

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Presentation on theme: "Rise of the US as a World Power. Essential Questions How did the U.S. become a major world power? What is the connection between economics and foreign."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rise of the US as a World Power


3 Essential Questions How did the U.S. become a major world power? What is the connection between economics and foreign policy? How has U.S. expansion affected American lives?

4 Background to the Spanish American War (Feb-April 1898) Cuba was a colony of Spain Revolted against Spain in 1895

5 Why did the US get involved? Surface answers: (and things that got the support of the public) –“help” Cuba –Yellow Journalism-- read hand out –USS Maine

6 Questions for “Yellow Journalism” hand out 1) Why is the Spanish American War also called the 1st “media war?” 2) Who were the 2 leading newspaper owners during this time? 3) What is “yellow journalism?” 4) Where did this term come from? 5) What event gave Hearst his 1st big story?

7 Story of the Maine Led the US to war with Spain Reason or justification?

8 Immediate Aftermath US beat Spain in 4 months US originally promised Cubans their independence “Teller Amendment” Later passed the “Platt Amendment” which gave the US the right to lease bases in Cuba and intervene US also acquired Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines and many islands from Spain

9 Long Term significance Led to debate over U.S. “imperialism” [controlling a country usually for economic benefit] Makes US a major world power


11 Text Review Questions (beyond “The Maine”) What does Europe have to do with the Spanish American War? What is Social Darwinism? and what does it have to do with expansion? What do Josiah Strong and Rudyard Kipling have in common? What influence did Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan have on the U.S. (with regard to expansion. ? What do the search for new markets & Panic of 1893 have with expansion? How did the U.S. acquire Hawaii?

12 Why did the U.S. go to war with Spain Manifest Destiny/ Social Darwinism Depression of 1893 -Desire for markets -Desire for Cuba--US tried to buy it 3 x before US was building a state of the art Navy Desire to be a “World Power”

13 Filipino Am War and lingering issues Control of Philippines will lead to Filipino Insurrection and war b/w US and Filipinos which will last 3 years (1899-1902)

14 Frame of Reference Assignment Read Kipling’s poem/ compare to anti- imperialist poem Watch HD documentary on Filipino American War---make a t-chart--write down 1) facts 2) historical interpretation


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