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1. 2  The Registry provides administrative support for the day-to-day running of the University.  Its effectiveness, therefore, determines to a large.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2  The Registry provides administrative support for the day-to-day running of the University.  Its effectiveness, therefore, determines to a large."— Presentation transcript:

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3  The Registry provides administrative support for the day-to-day running of the University.  Its effectiveness, therefore, determines to a large extent, how well the University achieves its set goals particularly in maintaining law and order based on the Law and Statues of the University. 3

4 For the Registry to effectively and efficiently carry out its facilitating responsibilities, it is divided into four directorates to take care of the following functions: 4

5  Directorate of Academic Affairs -Student Admissions -Examination and Records -Graduation and certification  Directorate of Students’ Affairs -Orientation Programmes -Student Welfare and Discipline -Accommodation -NYSC matters -Bursary and Scholarship  Directorate of Personnel: -Recruitment -Training and Development -Reward and Discipline -Exit from Service  Directorate of Council Affairs and General And Administration -Administration of Council matters 5

6  The Registrar’s office handles relationship with external agencies such as National Universities Commission, Tertiary Education Trust Fund, Council of Legal Education, Ministry of Education, JAMB and the general public. 6

7  The office is the gateway to the University where all correspondence to the University irrespective of their subject matters are received. 7

8  External Perception- Service Delivery especially in areas of issuance of certificates and transcripts  Shortage of staff  Inadequate facilities – Office accommodation, ICT, Office equipment, utility vehicles, shredding machines, weight scale that can be used to measure waste papers after bagging by vendors  Limited Training avenues 8

9  Poor working environment  Inadequate office accommodation and lack of storage facilities, especially in the Directorate of Academic Affairs. 9

10 Personnel: Our Personnel are qualified, experienced, exposed, trainable and, dedicated  The University is well established and well known  Ability to achieve results inspite of all odds/challenges.  Regular sources of revenue generation  Job Security/job satisfaction  Committed, dedicated, sympathetic and proactive management team 10

11  Fees are moderate compared with private institutions around  Growth Potentials in terms of career progression  Availability of qualified candidates to draw from to fill vacancies  Availability of a large pool of candidates for students’ admission 11

12  TETFUND Intervention.  Availability of waste papers and used items that can be translated to wealth.  Training and Re-training opportunities through TETFUND intervention.  IGR of about N50 million from candidates annually through N5,000.00 charged per PUTME candidate. 12

13  Lack of interest by graduands to attend convocation ceremonies  Industrial unrests  Govt Policy – In terms of demand for presentation of certification  Delay in the release of examination results  Loss of data  Irregularity of academic calendar – making planning difficult 13

14  Funding: Unlike Faculties and other academic units, the Registry does not have direct access to money. Due to paucity of funds, the budgetary allocation to the Registry declines. For instance, Budgetary Allocation to Registry in the last 2 years is: -2014 – N40 million -2015 – N21 million  Students’ Agitation/unrest  Inability to meet expectations from stakeholders: Students, parents, community  Negative Public image – Stakeholder’s perception  Certificate counterfeiting 14


16 DIRECTORATE OF COUNCIL AFFAIRS Registration of University Consultants/Contractors. The different categories of Contractors in the University are as follows: 16

17 Category A Qualified and experienced Consultants : They are required to pay only N200.00 to obtain an application form (no renewal required) 17

18 Category B Contract SumRegistration fees B1 Contract value up to N250,000.002,000.00 B2 Contract value from N250,000 + 500,000.003,000.00 B3 Contract value up to N250,000.00 (for motor mechanics only) 2,000.00 B4 Contract value from N500,001 – N1,000,000.00 4,000.00 Supply and Petty Contracts: This category is divided as follows 18

19 Category C: Contract sumRegistration fees C1 1,000,001 – 1,500,000.005,000.00 C2 1,500,001 – 2,000,000.006,000.00 C3 2,000,001 -3,000,000.008,000.00 C4 3,000,001 –above10,000.00 Major Civil Engineering/Building Mechanical etc: This category is sub-divided as follows: 19

20 Renewal of Registration Registration of contractors is valid for one year. Therefore, any contractor that is still interested in doing business with the University will pay a renewal fee of 40% of the initial registration fee for each category yearly. 20

21 Category A Category B N Category B1 800.00 Category B2:1,200.00 Category B4:1,600.00 Category CN Category C1:2,000.00 Category C22,400.00 Category C33,200.00 Category C4:4,000.00 21

22 Fees for the purchase of application forms: Category A200.00Consultant Category B200.00 Petty Contractors Category C250.00 Fees for the purchase of application forms: 22 N658,160.00 was generated on Registration of contractors in year 2015

23 ii.DIRECTORATE OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS aEXAMS & RECORDS N Collection of Transcript5,000.00 Collection of Certificate5,000.00 Collection of Notification of Result 2,000.00 Collection of letter of Proficiency2,000.00 Collection of letter of attestation 2,000.00 Verification Letter5,000.00 The means of generating IGR in the Directorate is through the following: 23 N118,894.00 was generated in this Division in year 2015

24 b. SENATE & ACADEMIC MATTERS N Rentage of Academic gowns500.00 per Unit c. ADMISSIONS N 5,000.00 per PUTME candidate Verification of Ordinary Level Results5,000.00 PUTME6,000.00 24

25 iii. DIRECTORATE OF STUDENTS’ AFFAIRS Registration of Clubs and Associations 2,500.00 Income from Students’ Accommodation N Ajasin Hostel20,000.00 Ifaki Hostel25,000.00 Medical Hostel50,000.00 25

26 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROPELLING WEALTH CREATION FOR THE UNIVERSITY i.It is suggested that all the fees for registration, renewal and application for contract in the University should be reviewed upward. ii.All the charges for Academic Records i.e Transcripts, Certificates, verification, Notification of Results should also be reviewed upward. 26

27 iii.Fees for the rentage of Academic Gowns could as well be reviewed upward to N1,000.00 iv.Production of Academic Robes for direct sale to our graduates (especially the Ph.D holders) iv.It is recommended that specific IGR to the Registry Unit be put in place in form of Registry administrative charges of N500 by each graduating student at the point of collection of notification of result. v.Improved efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery. vi.The University is advised to compel contractors who handle projects worth more than N250 million in the University to donate particular projects in their honour on campus to serve as endowment. vii.Endowment of chairs – Reputable industries should be encouraged to endow chairs. viii. 27

28 viii. Partnership with Bursary and the Office of the Research and Development to organize training programmes for the non teaching staff of tertiary institutions. ix.Disposal of waste paper should be centralised through the General Administration Division. x.Faculties / Departments should be mandated to give periodic report on old scripts and waste papers to the Registry. xi.Upward review of these fees. 28

29 Thank you. E.A. Ogunyemi Registrar 29

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