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Liverpool HEP Group Outreach in 2010 ■ Institute of Physics High Energy Particle Physics group produced "Particle Physics It Matters“. ♦Distributed to.

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Presentation on theme: "Liverpool HEP Group Outreach in 2010 ■ Institute of Physics High Energy Particle Physics group produced "Particle Physics It Matters“. ♦Distributed to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Liverpool HEP Group Outreach in 2010 ■ Institute of Physics High Energy Particle Physics group produced "Particle Physics It Matters“. ♦Distributed to schools. ♦Sent to Ministers. ■ Particle Physics Action Group produced "Particle Physics Why We Need It". ■ Liverpool staff have been conspicuous in fighting the slashing and burning... ■...but we have left the fiddling to others.

2 Liverpool HEP Group Outreach in 2010 ■ Liverpool has been represented on: ♦TV (Bang goes the Theory, Discovery Channel). ♦Film (CERN documentary on LHCb). ♦Radio (from Austria to Ireland). ♦Press. ■ Talks have been given at: ♦Schools. ♦Science Festivals (Edinburgh to Turin). ♦Learned Societies.

3 Outreach in 2010 ■ STFC outreach committees have Liverpool representatives. ■ Schools have been shown CERN as have various dignitaries. ■ Talks to skeptics have been used as an excuse for drinking in The Vines... ■ Hordes of school kids have also spent time working with Liverpool staff on Nuffield projects. ■ The HEP Masterclasses slipped through the net... ■...but will take place next year on 10 th March.

4 Victoria Gallery and Museum ■ Bits of the VGM are rather dull at the moment...

5 Victoria Gallery and Museum ■...but there are plans to liven things up!

6 Non PP – Clatterbridge ■ Clatterbridge uses 62 MeV proton beam to treat ocular tumours. ■ Liverpool team showed that radiation hard LHCb sensor can be used to study beam and beam halo. ■ Beam profile: ■ Beam halo:

7 Non PP – nuclear power/nuclear proliferation ■ Monitor nuclear reactors. ■ E.g. add Li to Si sensors, neutrons produce alphas that are then detected. ■ Monitor remotely by measuring the neutrino flux. ■ Where else do we do this?

8 Non PP – acceleration with FFAG ■ FFAG, radius of orbit increases slightly with energy: particles move from low field to high field region. ■ Simplicity of operation hopefully ensures high reliability. ■ nsFFAG designed and built at Daresbury (EMMA): Inject at low K Extract at high K

9 FFAG and acceleration ■ RF cavities conventionally used to accelerate charged particles. ■ A problem with FFAG is synchronisation of RF with particle orbits over large energy range. ■ Alternative: inductive acceleration? ■ Use Faraday’s Law:

10 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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