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Unit 8 How was your school trip? Unit 8 How was your school trip? Section B Period 2.

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1 Unit 8 How was your school trip? Unit 8 How was your school trip? Section B Period 2

2 She ________________ yesterday. did some washing What did she do yesterday? Warming up

3 He ___________ last night. read a book What did Yao do last night?

4 They _________________ on the school trip. watched a seal show What did they do on the school trip?

5 She _______________ on her day off.played the guitar What did she do on her day off ?

6 Which of these activities do you want to do most on your day off?

7 yard 点击查看 动画词汇

8 3a Read the letter Read the letter. Take the notes of the things Nick did that day. Then write one or two sentences to give your opinion about the day.

9 Dear Tom, How was your day off? Did you have fun camping? I didn’t have a very fun day. I visited my cousins. It rained all day. In the morning, I stayed in the house and watched DVDs, played computer games, and read. In the afternoon, Uncle Martin put some of his old things out in the yard and had a yard sale! However, no one came to the sale because the weather was so bad. Luckily, we brought our umbrellas and raincoats, so we didn’t get wet. See you soon Nick 幸运地 然而 被淋雨 雨衣雨伞

10 Nick Uncle Marti n Nick’s cousin What did they possibly do according to the picture? Reading

11 had a yard sale selling second – hand things in your yard.

12 From whom To whom Weather Feeling Nick Tom rained all day unhappy Information card

13 Besides having a yard sale what else did Nick do on his day off ?

14 1. Visited his cousins In my opinion, 2. Stayed in the house 3.Watched DVDs 5. Read 4. Played computer games Tom really had a bad day, it sounds boring.

15 1.How was your day off ? 你的一日休假过得怎么样? (用过去时) Explanation What was your last day off like ? 你上一次休假怎么样?

16 2. I didn’t have a very fun day. 我这一天过得不是很愉快。 have a fun day. 一天过得愉快。 同学们别忘了写 “a” 。写成 have fun day 就不对了。 3. Uncle Martin put some of his old things out in the yard and had a yard sale !

17 这句话意思是说 Martin 叔叔将他的 一些旧东西拿出来摆在院子里进 行庭院旧货出售。 have a yard sale 进行旧货出售。 unfortunately 是个副词表示 “ 不幸地 ” fortunately 是表示肯定的意思 “ 幸运地 ”

18 3b Fill in the blanks Imagine that you are Tom and this is a letter from you to Nick. Fill in the blanks. Dear Nick, Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry you didn’t have fun on your day off. My day off was _______. I went _____, and I visited _______. It was _______. We saw ______. I bought _____. It was a really _____ day. See you soon. Yours, Tom

19 Write a letter to Tony, tell him your day. Samples Dear Tony, I just came back from Shenyang zoo with my family. It is the largest one in the Northeast of China. I saw hundreds of different kinds of animals in it.

20 There are yellow, green, orange and brown birds. They can sing nice songs. The elephants have a big noise and big ears and they are kind to us. Pandas are very friendly and polite to visitors. Then, I bought some animal toys there, I had a great time. Yours, Tom

21 Strategy 策略聚焦 我们在日常生活中大部分的阅读都是 为了获取信息。如果要从文章中寻找 信息,你是会从头开始阅读,还是先 找到信息所在的地方再进行阅读呢? 答案当然是后者,得到信息后,我们 就不会继续阅读下去了,这种阅读方 式被称为 扫读( scanning ) 或者略读( skimming )

22 where activities feeling _______’s yesterday detail _______’s yesterday

23 Strategy 策略提示 (一)回信时应特别注意理解写信人的意图、 所提问题,必须对写信人的问题给予明确的答 复。 (二)我们在描述过去的事情的时候 : 1要特别留意句中的动词形式。 2有时会用到 then, after that, next, finally 等表时间顺序的词汇。

24 12 34 What happened? How to solve the problem? What’s the ending? GROUPWORK Discuss what happened to Tom yesterday according to Picture 2 ? Write a letter to me.

25 1.We’ve learned how to use the simple past tense. 2. We’ve learned how to collect information from the article. 3. We’ve worked to make the reading and writing connection. summary

26 Write to our foreign English teacher about your last Mid- autumn Day or National Day. What did you do on that day? What was your feeling? Homework


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