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FORMAL LETTER WRITING Learners will be able to: Match at least 3 or more formal words to an informal word Proof read a letter and identify 3 or more errors.

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Presentation on theme: "FORMAL LETTER WRITING Learners will be able to: Match at least 3 or more formal words to an informal word Proof read a letter and identify 3 or more errors."— Presentation transcript:

1 FORMAL LETTER WRITING Learners will be able to: Match at least 3 or more formal words to an informal word Proof read a letter and identify 3 or more errors in its structure Write a formal letter using 200 words or more

2 Do you know the difference between formal and informal language? Question Time

3 Describe this image formally and informally

4 Examples “The Duchess of Cambridge, wearing a polka dot maternity dress, attended the function with her husband of two years.” FORMAL “Kate showed off her baby bump in a spotty Topshop number with hubby Will by her side.” INFORMAL

5 Task 1 In small groups, you have 5 minutes to match the formal language cards to their correct informal card

6 The Exam Formal letter An article A speech An email

7 Features of formal language: Serious/professional tone Follows grammatical rules Uses longer, complex sentences Clear use of paragraphing Avoids using colloquialisms and contractions Uses specific words/vocabulary Formal letter frameframe

8 dear I am righting to complain cos I think you are always in the wrong and I am write the things that you are doing are knot very good and not very nice so I want you to stop doin the things that arent very nice cos I wood prefer it if you were good instaed of bad I have told you beore I don’t like what you are doing and when you was hear last thyme I wasn’t liking what you was doing so please stop doing it please reply too this note quicky thanks fred tuesday What’s wrong with this letter? Task 2

9 Task 3 Write a letter to the local MP arguing that the wage for construction and engineering apprenticeships should be increased. HOW WOULD YOU PLAN FOR THIS TASK? Minimum wage

10 Self assessment Have you been successful in writing formally? -Pronoun use (we/me/I/she) -Language choices -Punctuation -Sentence length -Technical vocabulary -The viewpoint of the writer

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