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NORTH WALES NEUROSCIENCES REVIEW Rehabilitation, Palliative Care & Continuing Health Care Wyn Thomas Chief Executive Conwy LHB.

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Presentation on theme: "NORTH WALES NEUROSCIENCES REVIEW Rehabilitation, Palliative Care & Continuing Health Care Wyn Thomas Chief Executive Conwy LHB."— Presentation transcript:

1 NORTH WALES NEUROSCIENCES REVIEW Rehabilitation, Palliative Care & Continuing Health Care Wyn Thomas Chief Executive Conwy LHB

2 Steers Review Recommendations for North Wales (1) Main Recommendation: An inpatient neurorehabilitation centre should be established in North Wales. Rationale: Evidence presented to the Review Group by patients, professionals and by benchmarking data shows that the North Wales population requires enhancement of neurological, neurorehabilitation, neurophysiology, stroke management and diagnostic facilities.

3 Steers Review Recommendations for North Wales (2) 1.An inpatient Neurological Rehabilitation Centre should be developed in North Wales for traumatic acquired brain injury, stroke and other neurological conditions requiring rehabilitation. 2.Appoint 2 new whole time equivalent consultants in rehabilitation medicine. 3.The Centre will work with the acute rehabilitation that would be part of the acute management of a patient at the tertiary centres for the more complex rehabilitation patients. 4.All patients with acquired brain injury should have access to an acquired brain injury team and neuropsychology and should not be returned to orthopaedic or general surgical wards. 5.The working together of acquired brain injury teams/team members and stroke community teams would maximise their effectiveness for patients. 6.The MCN must include the resources available through the voluntary sector

4 Project Scope The provision of post acute in-patient neuro- rehabilitation for North Wales The provision of community brain injury rehabilitation services for North Wales The interfaces between neuro-rehabilitation services and other key services within the brain injured patient pathway, including acute care, neuro-psychiatry services, continuing care and palliative care Services for patients with rapidly progressing neurological conditions

5 Project Aim To identify and acquire the key service data and information required to develop and evaluate a range of options for the organization and delivery of neuro- rehabilitation services for North Wales. To conduct an option appraisal and to identify the most appropriate model for the provision of neuro- rehabilitation services for North Wales. Develop a pathway for the care of patients across North Wales with rapidly progressing neurological diseases e.g. motor neurone disease To identify the key issues relating to the interfaces between neuro-rehabilitation and other services, including acute care for head injured patients, neuro- psychiatry services, continuing care and palliative care

6 Defining the Need Acquired Brain Injury –Trauma, Tumour, Infection, Younger stroke Korsakoff’s, Neurological Conditions, Cerebrovascular events –242 people with significant brain injury ( Elliston & Rodgers, 1996) –1,000 brain injured people with disabilities (AWSG,1999) –35-45 patients per annum from N W DGHs (Rafal, 2002) Palliative Care –MND (50-65) – MS (664) –Parkinson’s Disease (1063) –Process Mapping Exercise –Rapidly Deteriorating conditions

7 Current Provision Neurorehabilitation –In Patient Care Walton Centre (38 bed days) Clatterbridge Hospital (13 pts, 938 bed days) N Wales DGHs? (64 pts, 4299 bed days) Independent Sector CHC (50+ pts, 15,000+ bed days) –Community Brain Injury Service Colwyn Bay Hospital (175 referrals per annum) Palliative Care DGHs MDTs Community Services Hospices Voluntary Organisations Carers

8 Key Issues identified Identifying the patient numbers –In the DGHs/ community –Discharged to DGHs Agreeing definitions (e.g. sub/post acute, conditions e.g. MND, MS) Understanding current pathway Developing pathways Palliative Care –Delays in diagnosis, fragmentation, duplication, equipment, communication, anticipatory care

9 Project Management Gathering Intelligence –Visits, meetings, literature review Project Board –Broad professional & geographic membership –2 Streams (Rehabilitation & Palliative Care) –Meeting March, April, July –Complete Current Knowledge –Develop options & plans –Agree final report & recommendations Project Manager –Luke Archard, HCW

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