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September 30th, 2008 Patrick Levacher. Plato Instrument System Group.

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1 September 30th, 2008 Patrick Levacher. Plato Instrument System Group

2 September 30th, 2008 Patrick Levacher. Plato Instrument System Group ongoing activities (1) System Group at instrument level since mid of June: Claude Catala (LESIA), PI, and Magali Deleuil (LAM), co-PI Patrick Levacher (LAM), Project Manager, Gerard Epstein (LESIA), System Engineer, Lucien Hill (LAM), Optics Expert, Alain Semery (LESIA), Thermo-mechanics Expert, Reza Samadi (LESIA), Data Processing Expert, Christophe Cara (CEA/Sap), Detector and Electronics Expert, Philippe Plasson (LESIA), Software System Expert. The co-Is of the laboratories involved in the system studies, as well as the CNES representative, are not considered as members, but are permanent guests to the meetings

3 September 30th, 2008 Patrick Levacher Plato Instrument System Group ongoing activities (2) System Group Core group with a few specialists, located in only two places, Paris (LESIA and CEA/Sap) and Marseille (LAM), for an good efficiency, Periodic meetings, every two or three weeks, Brainstorming type meetings on a few predefined subjects The Plato Instrument System Group will give in the next few weeks, the sub-systems technical requirements to the co-Is laboratories involved in the system studies. Drawing up and updating of the performance and technical budgets

4 September 30th, 2008 Patrick Levacher Plato Instrument System Group ongoing activities (3) During summer Understand the ESTEC CDF design  Considered as a reference design,  Identify the possible improvements, Understand the photometry by mask  Key point for the performances,  Sensitivity to the troublemakers,  Give the optical requirements (PSF size, shape, …) Presently Optical requirements for a new full refractive concept CCD temperature, radiations effects, science needs, … possibility of relaxation? On board Data Processing, list of final products (light curves, images…), identification and list of all the needed processes to obtain these products

5 September 30h, 2008 Patrick Levacher Plato Instrument System Group future activities Change some sub-systems in the ESTEC CDF design, try to improve the performances :  Baseline : we will adopt the same CCD (3584² x 18µm) in the future designs,  Revisit the optical concept, a full refractive optics seems to be a promising solution,  Revisit the Focal Plane Assembling cooling concept, presently through the optics,  Revisit the mechanical implementation on the optical bench, depending of the optical design, and the thermal concept,  Find a best compromise between number of light curves / number of images / sampling time / volume of telemetry  Dimensions of the data processing electronics

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