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Unit 3 Getting Ready for a Trip Lesson 6 执教者:福州市林则徐小学 鄢知 指导者:鼓楼区教师进修学校 莫华英 福州市林则徐小学 郑希.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3 Getting Ready for a Trip Lesson 6 执教者:福州市林则徐小学 鄢知 指导者:鼓楼区教师进修学校 莫华英 福州市林则徐小学 郑希."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3 Getting Ready for a Trip Lesson 6 执教者:福州市林则徐小学 鄢知 指导者:鼓楼区教师进修学校 莫华英 福州市林则徐小学 郑希

2 歌曲

3 1st 7th 2nd 8th 3rd 9th 4th 10th 5th 11th 6th 12th

4 October 1st


6 February 3rd


8 June 5th


10 April 7th


12 March 9th


14 August 1st


16 Unit 3 Getting Ready for a Trip Lesson 6

17 This is a weather forecast. 北京 哈尔滨 武夷山 大连 三亚 泰山

18 weather forecast 天气预报

19 This is a weather forecast. 北京 哈尔滨 武夷山 大连 三亚 泰山

20 Place( 地点 ) Weather( 天气 ) Date( 日期 ) Beijing Harbin Wuyishan Sanya cool and cloudy Oct. 1st cold and cloudy Oct. 2nd warm and sunny Oct. 5th hot and sunny Oct. 6th

21 It will be cool and cloudy in Beijing on Oct. 1st.

22 It will be warm and sunny in Wuyishan on Oct. 5th.

23 It will be cold and cloudy in Harbin on Oct. 2nd.

24 It will be cool and sunny in Dalian on Oct. 3rd.

25 It will be hot and sunny in Sanya on Oct. 6th.

26 It will be cold and sunny in Taishan on Oct. 4th.

27 It will be … and … in … on ….

28 表示在某地用 in, 在具体的某一天 用 on

29 Place( 地点 ) Weather( 天气 ) Date( 日期 ) Beijing Harbin Wuyishan Sanya cool and cloudy Oct. 1st cold and cloudy Oct. 2nd warm and sunny Oct. 5th hot and sunny Oct. 6th


31 Questions: 1 、 What will the weather be like on Oct.1st ? 2 、 What will the weather be like on Oct.2nd? 3 、 What will the weather be like on Oct.3rd?



34 Homework: 1 、 Read the sentences and recite. 2 、 Activity book / Lesson 6 3 、 Listen and watch the weather forecast and try to write a plan for a visit.

35 This is a weather forecast. (Oct.1---Oct.6) 北京 哈尔滨 武夷山 大连 泰山 三亚 It will be … and … in… on….

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