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1 An Implementation of the Profile Document. Presented at the June 24-27, 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "1 An Implementation of the Profile Document. Presented at the June 24-27, 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 An Implementation of the Profile Document. Presented at the NMWG@GGF8, June 24-27, 2003

2 2 OverviewOverview Implementation of Brian’s Schema/Profile for Network Performance Measurements for Grids: –Version 0.06 As applied to: –IEPM-PingER and IEPM-BW measurement projects –I2 E2Epi OWAMP –RIPE-tt Work in progress

3 3 CharacteristicsCharacteristics path.delay.oneWay, path.delay.roundTrip path.loss.oneWay, path.loss.roundTrip path.availability.roundtrip path.bandwidth.achievable.TCP path.bandwidth.achievable.TCP.multiStream path.bandwidth.available hop.bandwidth.capacity, hop.bandwidth.utilized properties

4 4 The first stumbling block Seemed reasonable that characteristics are separate methods Naming convention is NOT language neutral –Based on GGF DAMED document –Some languages use periods for special purposes Delimeters –path.delay.oneWay -> pathDelayOneWay Or –get(path.delay.oneWay:source:destination) –get(source:destination)

5 5 WSDLWSDL target=source[:destination]

6 6 Example WSDL definition <part name="NetworkTestTool” type="xsd1:NetworkTestTool"/> <part name="NetworkTestInfo” type="xsd1:NetworkTestInfo"/> <part name="NetworkToolSetting” type="xsd1:NetworkToolSetting"/> <part name="NetworkPathDelayStatistics” type="xsd1:NetworkPathDelayStatistics"/>

7 7 NetworkTestToolNetworkTestTool

8 8 path.delay.oneWaypath.delay.oneWay NetworkTestTool –toolName = ripe-tt –toolVersion = 2 –toolAccuracy = ms NetworkTestTool –toolName = owamp –toolVersion = 1.5a –toolAccuracy =

9 9 Ripe-ttRipe-tt NetworkTestInfo –source = $tt –destination = –startTime –time = $arrival_time –timeResolution –timeAccuracy = $error –timeAccuracyMethod = GPS

10 10 Ripe-ttRipe-tt NetworkToolSetting –packetSize = 100 bytes –numPackets = 1 –packetSpacing = poisson packetGap = 30 –packetType = ICMP –portNum –priority –lossThreshold = 20

11 11 Ripe-ttRipe-tt NetworkPathDelayStatistics –Percentile –percentileValue –Median –Minimum –Maximum –StdDev –Value = $delay

12 12 owampowamp NetworkTestInfo –source = $source –destination = $dest –startTime = –time = $ietf_time –timeResolution –timeAccuracy = –timeAccuracyMethod = CDMA

13 13 owampowamp NetworkToolSetting –packetSize = 42 bytes –packetSpacing = poisson packetGap = 1 –packetType = UDP –portNum –priority –lossThreshold = 20

14 14 owampowamp NetworkPathDelayStatistics –Percentile percentileValue –Median –Minimum –Maximum –StdDev –Value = $delay

15 15 Perl Example  perl nmwg ripe-tt tt81 Arrival_time=1055980691.370943 100 1 0 Delay=0.075328 > use SOAP::Lite; my $characteristic = SOAP::Lite ->service('') ->pathDelayOneWay(""); print $characteristic->{NetworkTestTool}->{toolName},"\n"; print $characteristic->{NetworkTestInfo}->{source},"\n"; print $characteristic->{NetworkTestInfo}->{destination},"\n"; print $characteristic->{NetworkTestInfo}->{time},"\n"; print $characteristic->{NetworkToolSetting}->{packetSize},"\n"; print $characteristic->{NetworkToolSetting}->{numPackets},"\n"; print $characteristic->{NetworkToolSetting}->{lossThreshold},"\n"; print $characteristic->{NetworkPathDelayStatistics}->{value},"\n";

16 16 Added path.availability.roundTrip NetworkTestTool toolName= ping Network TestInfo source= destination= NetworkToolSetting startTime= 200304010030.123456 (start at beginning of month) time= 200304302359.654321 (end at end of month) packetSize = 100 numPackets = 10 (this is the number of packets in a cycle or more generally the number of packets sent as probes for determining connectivity, see RFC 2678, it is not the total packets for the month, i.e. it is not 30days*24hr*60mins*10pkts/30min = 14400?) packetSpacing = periodic packetGap= 1.0 packetType= ICMP lossThreshold = 20 (the waiting time of RFC 2678) NetworkPathAvailabilityStatistics PropertyTypeRequirement Description Level MTBFuint32 O Mean Time Between Failures in seconds MTTRunit32 O Mean Time To Repair in seconds downsunit32 O Number of periods when path was not available medianOutageLength uint32O Median Valuereal32M Availability = 100*(#unavailable cycles/total cycles)%.

17 17 Further Work OGSA/OGSI Globus3

18 18 Any Questions? Visit the documentation of the implementation – –Includes links to latest WSDL and XSD Send email –

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