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Team 114 + 2. Wikipedia Distributing digital stored information (computer programs, multi-media, etc). Regular methods : Removable media <- First form.

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Presentation on theme: "Team 114 + 2. Wikipedia Distributing digital stored information (computer programs, multi-media, etc). Regular methods : Removable media <- First form."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team 114 + 2

2 Wikipedia Distributing digital stored information (computer programs, multi-media, etc). Regular methods : Removable media <- First form of file sharing Computer Networks World Wide Web (Internet) File Hosting Services Peer-To-Peer 1999 Napster was released, shut down 2001 July Napster is a “central server”, while others are a hybrid of P2P and central. That is why only Napster has been shut down with a court case.

3 Wikipedia cont File sharing is not illegal, however sharing copyright protected files without permission is. Popularity of the mp3 format of music led to the birth of Napsters in the late 1990s. Napster was shut down, but helped assist more sharing networks.


5 Music “For industries ranging from software to pharmaceuticals and entertainment, there is an intense debate about the appropriate level of protection for intellectual property.” (Oberholzer-Gee, 2007) “Between 2000 and 2005, the number of compact discs shipped in the United States fell by 25 percent to 705 million units.” (Oberholzer-Gee, 2007) It was believed that P2P file sharing was the culprit

6 Music cont “A possible explanation for our inability to find a statistically significant relationship between file sharing and sales is that file sharers and consumers who purchase music are in fact two separate groups.” (Oberholzer-Gee, 2007) People who buy physical copies of CD’s aren’t the same people who se file sharing “The results suggest that peer-to-peer usage reduces the probability of buying music by 30 percent.” (Zantner, 2006)



9 P2P Sharing “P2P refers almost exclusively to computer-based systems of sharing information directly with others via the Internet.” There are many peer 2 peer networks that are circulating around the internet, programs such as Kazaa, Napster and Limewire are among some of the favourites. “A simple telephone call to a friend could be considered a form of P2P” Skype is one of the most widely used internet phone program that uses Peer 2 Peer Peer 2 Peer lets you share anything from music, videos, photos, etc. This is very controversial because of alleged copyright infringements. Users are able to download music and other files freely, which would be considered as theft to some people. Peer-to-Peer Technology (P2P). (2002). In J. A. Malonis (Ed.)Gale Encyclopedia of E-Commerce, 2(pp. 585-587) Detroit: Gale Retrieved January 28, 2010, from Gale Virtual Reference Library via Gale:

10 BitTorrenting BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol used for distributing large amounts of data. BitTorrent is one of the most common protocols for transferring large files, and it has been estimated that it accounts for approximately 27- 55% of all Internet traffic (depending on geographical location) as of February 2009. [1] Bittorrent (protocol). (2010, Jan. 28). In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved January 28, 2010, from Bittorrent corporation “BitTorrent is the global standard for accessing rich media over the internet” “Quick, easy and Free” peer-to-peer file sharing protocoldataInternet [1] BitTorrent, Inc (2003, February 03). Bittorrent Frontpage. Retrieved from http://www.bittorrent.com Pirate Bay The website piratebay claims to be the “worlds largest bittorrent tracker.” The main objective is to be an open tracker that allows people to download torrent files and share information and many other digital programs to other users. The Pirate Bay claims that it is not responsible for spreading the trackers and other files over the course of their website. The site is free of charge to users but they claim they have restrictions. Piratebay (2010, January 28). About us Retrived from

11 Bibliography College, G. T. (n.d.). Floppy Discs. Retrieved January 28th, 2010, from Technology Tips and Tricks: ps%20webpage/floppy_disks.htm College, G. T. (n.d.). Saving data to a CD-R/CD-RW or a DVD-R/DVD- RW. Retrieved January 28th, 2010, from Technology Tips and Tricks: ps%20webpage/cd_rs.htm College, G. T. (n.d.). USB Flash Drives. Retrieved January 28th, 2010, from Technology Tips and Tricks: ps%20webpage/flash_drive_tut.htm File Sharing. (2010, January 28). In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved January, 28, 2010, from

12 Bibliography cont File Sharing. (2010, January 28). In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved January, 28, 2010, from Oberholzer-Gee, F., & Strumpf, K. (2007). The effect of file sharing on record sales: An empirical analysis. Journal of Political Economy, 115(1), 1-42. Retrieved from Business Source Premier database. Oberholzer-Gee, F., & Strumpf, K. (2007). Dynamics of downloads and album purchases for a popular album (by week, sales in thousands). Graph. Journal of Political Economy, 115(1), 1-42. Retrieved Jan 28, 2010 from Business Source Premier database.

13 Bibliography cont Zantner, A (2006). Measuring the effect of file sharing on music purchases. The Journal of Political Economics, 49(1). Retrieved from University of Chicago Press Electronic Journals. Zantner, A (2006). Global music sales in millions US$ (IFPR 2004a). Graph. The Journal of Political Economics, 49(1). Retrieved January 28, 2010 from University of Chicago Press Electronic Journals.

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